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Water removal ?

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hey guys well as usually when things go wrong they really go wrong. My 1056 is well the grunt of my two tractors I use it to plow in the winter and pull in competition the rest of the year.Well this is were it starts!This winter I discovered just how long the previous owner let it sit outside uncovered when the transaxle froze and wouldent even shift,or roll.I managed to thaw it and put new gear oil in it ,but when I checked it after the first run it had so much water in it still it looked like eggnog.Well when spring finally hit I stared her up took of the plow and bing bang boom threw the rod :omg:. now that she is down and out until I can get that 12hp from Wayne (crazywheelhorseman) I figure now is the time to fix every thing I can and the list is long and growing . What the best way to go about it could I out gas line water remover treatment in it and run it then drain it ?, or should i just pack it with oil and let it sit so the water separates then drain it? what have you guys done in the past and what worked best for you?

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Take the tranny off, put it on blocks, take the drain plug out, and spin the whole transaxle around end over end. Once you get most of the water out, put the drain plug back in and fill the transaxle with kerosene. Then spin the shafts on the transaxle for a while. Drain the kerosene, and do it again if it looks really nasty. Then fill it with 90w oil if it is clean and you are good to go!!!

good luck

Everyone else - please post your ideas.


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You could use kerosene or diesel fuel

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my horse transaxle was the same way.i drained the water and i refilled it with half gear oil and half atf. and run it. anyways it ended up wanting to jump into to gears at once and i had to tear it apart anyways. good thing i took it apart. it had about 1/2 inch of grime/rust/and other things in the bottom stuck to the case. about a half dozen cans of brakeclean later it was most of the way clean. then i put it in the parts washer for about 20 mins to get the rest of it clean. that water may have rusted the roller bearings and it is destroying everything in its wake. go to this link here and read about half way down about the water in trans. also i have some pics of what i found. http://www.wheelhorseforum.com/index.php?showtopic=7260


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