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peter lena

keep your stuff fresh, 303

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peter lena

I  have been using this protectant for years , https://www.amazon.com/303-30382-Protectant-plastic-finished/dp/B0185PU38A#customerReviews  it will make just about anything you put it on look fresh. your wheel horse will instantly look much better , especially all its vinyl and black surfaces . how about the black plastic trim on your car / truck ?  just about every time I see another horse , the glairing thing to me is how simple it is to make that look like its cared for. example , a magnum motor with all its air cowling , those satin black surfaces will look like new , with a simple application. just something I do , its easy, pete

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I've used the plain version of Aerospace 303 for a lot of years, even on rubber, vinyl, and plastics with no issues at all. No chaulking, no cracks and no UV damage - love the stuff. I wish a lot more retailers would stock it on their shelves - the stuff is like the best-kept secret of all time for those types of material in the battle of aging/wear. Best supplier I have to date is JC Whitney - there is a local warehouse/retail outlet about 35 miles from me, I keep at least 2 bottles on hand and the stuff goes a long way. Biggest benefit is the UV protection with no buildup, unlike the other products.



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Great stuff !!!   I used it on my classic cars now I use it on my snow cab and on all the exterior plastic trim on a Jeep 

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953 nut

:text-thankyouyellow:            We watch Mecum Auto Auctions on TV some times and have seen them pushing 303, had wondered if it was a good product.

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peter lena

probably the greatest benefit of  303 PRODUCTS  is that they  FEED THE SURFACE AREA, with protection. your typical w/h  looks starved for any form, of care. once you regularly  build up that finish , it just looks new without effort. you can probably pick up a few sample product squeeze packets to try, Pete

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My favorite benefit of using 303 is preventing cracks and shrinkage in rubber parts - especially door seals on automotive applications. Hate it when your doors freeze in the winter? Use 303 in the Fall, apply a heavy, solid coating and they will not frost shut. If you've ever had to buy a new door seal - those are extremely expensive to replace (neighbor learned the hard way) and really not a fun job on many vehicles, either. If you really want them to not freeze or shrink, Fluid Film does wonders as well. I have never had a dash crack from extended use of 303, compared to other folks using Armor-All or other products. No residue, no sticky film, no runs and not an excessive shine. Just restores black/painted plastics, vinyl, rubber and similar materials to a new look without a lot of fuss. Lasts far longer and a little goes a long way.


Sounds like a commercial, but it's one of about 5 things in a can or bottle that honestly does exactly what it says it will do - which is rare.



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