Coadster32 793 #1 Posted March 18, 2009 Time to crack my knuckles. Tomorrow I will start to tear into my 551 tranny. The last time I used it, it got stuck in reverse. It also leaks from the seals. From information I gathered, that is caused from bearing play, which I feel none. I have the manual, which tells you how to take it apart, and put it back together. Not much in what to watch out for. I have Wild Bill's articles from LAGC. (BTW-cool series of articles, but a little brief for the confidence builder.) I printed out posts from TT on the chewy looking gears, and putting the bolt heads a certain way. I remember a thread on a gear being backwards also. There's also a trick on getting it back together with the 1/4 balls (which I don't know). I guess that's pretty good but, I feel pretty blind. The tranny did free up when I pulled off the hubs, and I can get new bearings and seals locally. If it's copacetic, I'd like to take pics of doing this, and post them in this thread. I have noticed a lot of people have eagle eyes. I would have given it to charlie, but the funds for doing this are kind of low. The hitch pin came out, and from what I hear, it's a good start! :thumbs: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pfrederi 18,223 #2 Posted March 18, 2009 You are off to a good start... I have opened up 4 or 5 trannies and the hitch pin and hub removal have always been the big problem. So bad on one I had to sawzall through the case and pin!!! Just used the manual .... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CasualObserver 3,410 #3 Posted March 18, 2009 Chris you'll be fine. The manual is very clear and gives good instruction. Read through it first though, don't just jump in and follow along. The trick on the 1/4" detent balls is in Bill's latest article in LAGC if I remember right. Take pictures as you take it apart, that will help when you go to put it back. There's plenty of people here who have been into these things more than once and can help you with any questions. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Coadster32 793 #4 Posted March 19, 2009 Well I got into it today. I must say, I felt pretty prepared, and right at home. I'll let the pics do some talking. Pretty stuff Huh. Total runnout .002 both sides. Pretty good to me. Things look about what I though they would look like. All cleaned up. Differential looks OK The counterbored third gear looks really worn, just like TT explained in another thread. The input shaft gear is worn where it mates with third. The low gear is worn also. The cluster gears that these mesh with are worn a little also. If I replace just the two gears, and leave the cluster alone, it should give me sufficient engaement. (75+%). If I can get the cluster gear for resonable costs, I'll do it. The reverse gear was in backwards also. I can flip it over, and it'll be fine. I only found one ball bearing?? Perhaps that's why I was stuck in reverse. The high shift fork is 1/2 as thin as it should be. The needle bearing for the brake shaft is rusted up, and doesn't spin. I think I caught it early, because the shaft only wore down .002. (still useable). I lost a needle bearing in one of the outer axle housings also. (came apart upon cleaning). I understand how this unit works now. Really good design. I would have tried to make third a more solid design somehow. I thought the axle bearings would have been bad because of the seals leaking. From what I see, all of the seals are almost non-existant. I beleive my parts list will be: all oil seals one shift fork p/n 3503 Hi and intermediate gear p/n 3523 Low and reverse gear p/n 3524 brake axle needle bearing p/n 1530 axle shaft neeedle bearing p/n 1528 input drive gear p/n 3522 two ball bearings 1 case gasket p/n 3912 Cluster Gear p/n 3525 Is it true that the hi-intermediate gear is discontinuted? Can I use gasket maker, or do I need to by the case gasket? Feel free to whallop me on what you see. :thumbs: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sarge 3,464 #5 Posted March 19, 2009 I'd like to see some closeup pics of the worn hi/lo gears and their shafts - might be able to get some made by a local gear cutter here . Need to do the same thing with my 753 when the weather breaks loose. I may also know a guy that has some of the gears and input shafts nos ... Sarge Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HorseFixer 2,013 #6 Posted March 19, 2009 Chris..... Fan dam tastic!!! I am just about ready to crack my 701 open for the same thing! Hoping I have the same luck you have on the drive shaft run out at least! I will have some great refrence pictures to go by! I see ya got some tight bond GLUE out of that tranny! ummm there is a lubricant that Im thinking of cant remember the name.... I think it's Severe Gear 75-140 but I cant remember who makes it tho Anyways great job! How much they soak you on the seals and gaskets? My center gasket was like $3.75 and the 3 big seals were $5.50 the small drive seal was like $3.50 I also priced bearings and the big one inside they want $75.00ea!!!!! I then called my local bearing warehouse doode and I can get all the seals and bearings for about 1/2 of what my local Toro dealer wants.. I purchased 2 sets of seals and center gaskets cause my 551 has same tranny as the 701. Good Idea on the dial indicator! Anyways thanks again! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Coadster32 793 #7 Posted March 19, 2009 Here you go Sarge. Let me know what you can come up with. I will play coy with my local dealer, and see what he says. I think eveyone knows what he'll say, but who knows what he's got laying under his bench. Seems to me that the hardest part of this job is getting a parts supplier. That's if you can get the hitch pin and hubs off. I do have another 551 tranny, but I'd hate to pillage it. Besides, it's probably in the same condition. These pics are of the 1/R gear. These pics are of the 2/3 gear. Both gears go onto the same splined shaft. The counterbor with all of the holes is actually third gear. It doesn't engage very far. So after a while when the edges get chipped out, it doesn't engages fully, and slips out. The ball detents on the shaft may hold it in untill there's a load on it. (TT stated this in another post, and I agree 100%) :thumbs: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Coadster32 793 #8 Posted March 21, 2009 I went to the local dealer this morning, and this is what they told me about my parts list. Input gear w/shaft-------------$277.88 R/1st gear----------------------$56.60 2nd/hi gear---------------------Not Avail. Cluster Gear--------------------$299.65 new part number-7269 Case Gasket--------------------$3.76 in stock Brake shaft needle bearing ---$19.46 new part number-83-2880 Axle shaft needel bearing------$21.90 Shift Fork------------------------$36.0 Input shaft oil seal--------------$3.55 new part number 100441 CRAP!! Mainly this is what I expected. I thought that $56 for the 1st gear was reasonable though. I bought the case gasket, and decided to pillage the other tranny. The bearings and seals I'll get from a local supplier. Who knows what I'll find in the other tranny. Both of them work, so I'll take the best parts and put them in my rebuild tranny. The other one I'll put back togehter, and it will work. I am considering replicating these rears, as they don't look very difficult to make. I see a potential need for this. Would there be any takers? :thumbs: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sarge 3,464 #9 Posted March 23, 2009 Wow, those dealer/prices are on crack. That high gear with the internal grind work would be tough unless you could find a decent /unworn example to copy from. So, who has a like-new one? Sarge Share this post Link to post Share on other sites