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Lane Ranger

What is happening to Wheel Horse part prices??

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Lane Ranger

I must be getting older and much poorer than I thought!  Just looking at the prices of parts and their listed cost on EBay is scary to me!   My brother and I will have several tractors at The Portland   Indiana Tri- State Enigine Association’s 14th Annual Swap Meet this Friday and Saturday October 12 and 13. 


Our less than $400 tractorsaccording to EBay listings must each be worth $1000 in parts !  Come and buy a bargain or on EBay!



Edited by Lane Ranger
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953 nut
  On 10/11/2018 at 5:02 AM, Lane Ranger said:

looking at the prices of parts and their listed cost on EBay is scary to me!

They are asking for the moon but seldom sell! I have had a few things on my :techie-ebay:watch list for ever and they just keep being relisted. Good luck with your sale!

Image result for amen brother

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eBay is rediculous. Some parts are worth more, but some I don’t why they bother! But, everything is getting more expensive, not just wheelhorse parts.

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IMHO,Everything on EBay is more expensive due to the fees Ebay charges. I think you lose about 30% due to PayPal and EBay fees. I really don’t sell much anymore since they have shifted to a merchant format. I really don’t see many individuals selling like I used too in the earlier days around 2000. I’m looking for a good alternative to Ebay, locally it’s Craigslist. 

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peter lena

obviously , its not just w/h pricing, but when you have an exclusive ,or rare part , that is the problem. for the smaller parts and pieces I typically go local, or go to a  bearing supply house, for seals and bearings, belts ,Wall-Mart for tires , no shipping ! tractor supply is good for a lot of goodies. if Craig's list works for you , use it. I would pick up a used w/h or similar tractor for parts any day . as you said about 20 years ago ----- the stuff was out there, you have to change with the times. if I was in Indiana I would surely check out your stuff , in my area , CT , most of what I find is beyond saving. its frustrating , I know that , hang in there , and good luck , pete 

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I try to avoid selling on ebay too because of the fee. Ebay takes fees and then paypal takes a percentage too. I use Marketplace on facebook to sell now. Haven't had any problems with that other than the standard dealing with people lol. I have noticed parts creeping up though, but as previously mentioned, everything is going up. Sometimes i wish i lived in the midwest so I could go to all these swap meets you guys have out there! 

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It's because we keep telling everyone how great wheel horse is....:)

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Most times I think the horse part sellers on fleabay are on crack. Most of you guys know what parts go for at the BS. Course then there's the expense of some of us getting to PA.


Hey Lane what's with the green & yellow :thingy:....'pose your gonna tell us that's yer BILs or something...:ychain: Least he could do is park it out of sight!

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I’m not going to mention which vendor it was at the big show because I didn’t try to remember his name, but he told me he got into selling Wheel Horse tractors and parts because he assumed “Wheel Horse fans are just under educated hillbillies with deep pockets” or something very close to that.  I made an offer at half of what he was asking and he took it.   I’m thinking sales at his prices were not great for him...  


I only have sold items that are of no real use to me, or someone needs worse than me.  I look around at a few sites for comparable prices, and usually go with the cheapest price and believe that to be fair.

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The Tuul Crib
  On 10/11/2018 at 2:32 PM, pullstart said:

I’m not going to mention which vendor it was at the big show because I didn’t try to remember his name, but he told me he got into selling Wheel Horse tractors and parts because he assumed “Wheel Horse fans are just under educated hillbillies with deep pockets” or something very close to that.  I made an offer at half of what he was asking and he took it.   I’m thinking sales at his prices were not great for him...  


I only have sold items that are of no real use to me, or someone needs worse than me.  I look around at a few sites for comparable prices, and usually go with the cheapest price and believe that to be fair.

To me it's not about making the money on the piece so much asit is helping out the next fellow WH owner ! I'm with all y'all ! 😳

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Bought a new carb for my Techy HH10 last year (Randys Small Engine) $100  I just noticed he now wants $130

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  On 10/11/2018 at 2:47 PM, pfrederi said:

Bought a new carb for my Techy HH10 last year (Randys Small Engine) $100  I just noticed he now wants $130


All Techy parts are expensive. One of the many reasons I stay away from Tecumseh Engines. 

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  On 10/11/2018 at 2:32 PM, pullstart said:

just under educated hillbillies

You hear what he just called you Jeff @WVHillbilly520H ? :violence-blades::lol:

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@WHX21 I think someone is a trouble maker @WVHillbilly520H is not a hillbilly he is a Virginia Gentleman by his adopted home here.

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We get the double joy up here in Canada with high part prices plus high shipping prices.


Good deals do pop up now and again and sometimes I get lucky and win them.


I sell some stuff on Kijiji which I believe is owned by ebay.


No fees but really is designed for local sales that do not require any shipping or pre-payment, just cash on pickup.



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I found the receipt from 15 years ago when my 520H seat spring left side was bought from my local toro dealer. $19.00

This spring my right side seat spring broke. I called Ray (my local toro dealer) and gave him the part number and requested he order me one and hoped they were still available.

He asked what I paid for the seat spring I bought years ago and I told him. 

He said prepare yourself........... The price is $98.00 a spring now.

This is how Toro is gouging us now as the parts are getting scarce.

Yes I bought it and my tailbone tells me thanks every time I drive the tractor.  :lol:

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You should be over here. :UK: :rolleyes: 

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  :text-imsorry: Norm..... we probably never gave a thought to you  guys......if it's  any consolation stay hooked up here or on MOM and we can keep you fixed up.

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I don't think prices are that bad for wh stuff,

use common sense, patience when buying.  don't be afraid to walk away from an over priced deal.

I restored alot of off brand garden tractors where parts are either non existing, ridiculous priced if you could find, fortunately through friends and connections you can trade or buy within reason.  alot I had to fabricate.

it has been a real fun change redoing wheelhorses now, I can find any part I need quickly and easily *(except for an 854 hood that I need)**, all the ones I purchased were less than 1 hour away and next to nothing in price.

plus you can get an answer to any questions you have.

Edited by jabelman

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Parts for my Ford LGT were ridiculous if you could even find them.


Parts were also hard to find for my Simplicity.


And that was years ago.


Yes some parts are pricey, Partstree is a little better but it seems the really ridiculous priced parts tend to be available used (like seat springs, sorry).


A good part of the reason I choose to restore Wheel Horse tractors is the availability of parts both new and used.



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All of the above is the reason it is so important to keep :wh:'s out of the scrap pile...They aint making them anymore...


I watch over priced stuff on CL month after month and the market sends the message - "not that stupid"... fair price sells very quickly...


And, why this site is so important? - :wh: Hoarders (er, umh..."enthusiasts" or "addicts" as they are referred to on this site!!!) are the backbone of the parts pipe line...Keep it going and prices will stay moderate...rely on Toro etc. and watch them skyrocket...



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That is not only on Wheelhorses,

here in Germany all prices about Lawnmower and small Tractorparts exploded.


Especially if it was mechanical Parts, the get Pices, horrible.

The pricerange on each mechanics exploded like a simple Aluminum couppler for Hydraulic Pump is actually about 50 Us$

Steel part of this thing gonna be just a bit more about 52$.


I Think manufacturer want's to benefit they're Workcenter within 2 Deals... 😎


Solid Craftsmen Work must be Paid, even Storage space, but please in relation to the Goods.


Just my 2 cent.

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  On 10/11/2018 at 10:49 AM, 953 nut said:

They are asking for the moon but seldom sell! I have had a few things on my :techie-ebay:watch list for ever and they just keep being relisted. Good luck with your sale!

Image result for amen brother


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