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310-8 Shifter doesn’t engage (I think)

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My 310-8 doesn’t move forward or backwards when I put the shifter into any gear position. It moves so freely, I feel like it’s not engaged correctly inside the transmission. THe hi-lo shifter engages correctly and moves well, based on the feel. The tractor pushes freely forwards and backwards whereever the shifter lever is, so I feel it’s either stuck in neutral or something inside is broken.


What do you think and what is the procedure going to be like to fix this. How hard, how much time, etc. The transmission drips at the back, so I was afraid I was going to have to take it apart and re gasket it anyway, but, I am approaching the limit to how much time and money I want to spend on it.


Please, give me some feedback about tranny issues, leak fixing, shifters, costs, time, etc.

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953 nut

If this is a newer model there is a strut on the clutch that keeps it from doing a wheelie. Be sure the clutch pedal is returning to the top all the way.

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Seems to me the BALL at the end of your gear-shift lever has come loose on the DOG POINT SCREW and is just flopping around.  

Pull the shift boot up and you'll see this image.  This is the NEUTRAL position. To adjust the dog-point screw, first release the JAM NUT that holds it in place.  There is a small hole in the ball of the shift lever....the dog-point screw fits in that hole.  Wiggle the BALL of the shift lever to where you can FEEL it and tighten the SET SCREW to where the ball is rather stiff to move around.  Then, back off the set screw 1/4 turn and tighten the JAM NUT to hold it.  


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Well done, Dave! I got that tip from gwest_CA in another post, but your picture made the difference! She drives!

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I'm an admitted thief.  I stole that pic a while back from someone....lol.  As long as it helps...all is well.

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