Sunstrand Auto18 sudden axle leak problem
wheelhorse-c-161-1979, in Transmissions and transaxles
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By BrianKoch
According to the hydrogear transmission manual, the tow valve on the ‘69 Charger 12 with the Sunstrand 90-1136 is “malfunctioning” because I am able to roll the tractor while it is closed.
To note, the parking brake pawl also seems to be broken, but I believe these issues are independent of one another.
Have any of you dealt with this issue of a malfunctioning tow valve before and can advise? I’ve got the ATF drained out and would like to address this before refilling.
As of right now, I have removed the tow valve and attached a picture of it. The O ring and nylon washer look fine to me, but maybe you see or know something different.
By RJ Hamner
I noticed that the 876 was leaking trans fluid on the garage floor after i parked it.
Went out the next day and cleaned up the spot and put a can under the hydro.
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Fired it up this afternoon and let it run and cycled the lift a few times
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If I replace the two parts noted on the photo is there a good chance that would fix the problem or are there bigger issues???
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Hello! I have been reading posts for a few years as I’ve tinkered with my two great wheel horses. I have a 1968 Charger 12 auto with a leak coming from the motion control linkage, as well as the tow valve being seized up, lastly, the parking brake is not locking up the transaxle. My primary concern is the leakage though. Do I need to remove the pump and motor to get at this, or can one replace it with them in place and just remove the linkage pieces? I suspect if I have to remove them, then fixing the parking brake makes sense, and maybe I can find a way to free up that tow valve. I have it soaking in PB blaster per a comment on that issue from a few years ago. By the way, my other horse is a C-81. Attachments include a grader blade, a dozer blade, 2 decks and a cultivator. Looking for a tiller for the Charger.
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