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Elijah’s Wheel Horse 417A

Wheel Horse 417-A

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Elijah’s Wheel Horse 417A

Hello all, I recently inherited a Wheel Horse 417-A from my Late Grand-Father. It has been leaking from the Oil Pressure Sensor and I can’t seem to find this particular sensor anywhere If you could give me some leads that would be great! The engine is a KT17 Series II it smokes right under the muffler coming from the sensor i would like to fix it as it has the mowing deck, 2 Tillers, snow plow/dozer, snow blower, and 2 cabs this tractor is very centimental to me and it runs amazing other than this little part!! Also if you could provide any information on this particular model that would be great! Thanks!

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(Its not letting me link the manual) Ill figure it out😁


Here is the manual for that but I didn’t see anything on a sensor by the muffler. I Think that “oil pressure pickup” plug that is described in there is where they put the oil pressure sender. It could be cracked and spraying oil up onto the bottom of your muffler. The 417-A is a wonderful tractor. You’ll love it. 

Edited by 19richie66
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A look at the service manual shows the oil pressure switch having a 1/16" NPTF thread which I have not heard of. I expected to see 1/8" NPT and the 1/16" may be a typo. There is a difference between NPT and NPTF in the thread design and sounds like the naked eye can't see the difference. NPT = National Pipe Thread and F = fuel



The switch in the parts manual is Kohler 5209903 that is replaced by 5209905. Neither are listed as available.

Did find an online reference that 2409903-S for the later CH and CV models is a replacement but don't know for sure.


What I would do if it is possible is to clean the area up with a degreaser and get it bone dry to see where the leak is when you restart the engine.

It could be from the switch or it could be from the threads. 

Maybe the switch has been replaced with one that has a different thread.

All NPT threads require a thread sealer where the NPTF does not - but it probably would not hurt to add a sealer if required.

Pipe threads are tapered. The threads at the end have a smaller diameter than the other end so they do not need to be that tight. The diameter of the switch threads get larger as it is turned in. Don't turn it in thinking tighter is better. You could crack the block.

1/8" pipe has an OD of .405" which is between 3/8" and 7/16" if the size is confusing you.


A Kohler dealer that has been around for many years may have the answer for a replacement switch.

I doubt Kohler made their own switches so there has to be a suitable replacement out there.

The manual states 25-50 psi is the operating pressure.


Let us know what you find.





F is not fine - it is fuel

1/16" pipe has an OD of .313" which is 5/16" so it must exist

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A few years ago the oil pressure switch on my 418 started spraying oil on the muffler.  It is a Magnum 18 but in reality Mag 18 and KT 17 Series 2 are essential same engine with a different ignition. The variant number for the WH spec 24510 magnum is 8  I do not recall where I got the switch but it was cheap.  For $9 bucks I would try this one.  Or forget it ans use the 1/8" NPTF plug






Edited by pfrederi
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Elijah’s Wheel Horse 417A
2 hours ago, pfrederi said:

A few years ago the oil pressure switch on my 418 started spraying oil on the muffler.  It is a Magnum 18 but in reality Mag 18 and KT 17 Series 2 are essential same engine with a different ignition. The variant number for the WH spec 24510 magnum is 8  I do not recall where I got the switch but it was cheap.  For $9 bucks I would try this one.  Or forget it ans use the 1/8" NPTF plug






THAT IS THE EXACT SWITCH ON MY ENGINE!! Where do I buy this part?

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I looked at one of my older KT17s she doesn't have the switch just a pipe plug sealing the hole.  It is definitely 1/8" NPTF.


You can get the switch from any parts place this is from Replacement Commercial parts warehouse 



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Elijah’s Wheel Horse 417A
2 minutes ago, pfrederi said:

I looked at one of my older KT17s she doesn't have the switch just a pipe plug sealing the hole.  It is definitely 1/8" NPTF.


You can get the switch from any parts place this is from Replacement Commercial parts warehouse 



Do you by chance have a direct link? I’m still learning a lot about small engines so some of this stuff is a bit confusing thanks!

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The Gman

This is what you need. It came off my series II. I use an electric pressure gage now.

PM me your address and I'll mail it to you. Freebie!



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:rolleyes:  Another perfect example...

why this forum is so great.   :greetings-clapyellow:

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Elijah’s Wheel Horse 417A

Let me just say everyone has been so helpful and I just want to thank everyone for taking time out of there day to help me!

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The Gman

Never a problem for a wheel horseman. It will be in the mail Tuesday. I'm from north of the boarder so it might take a week or two.


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Elijah’s Wheel Horse 417A
1 minute ago, The Gman said:

Never a problem for a wheel horseman. It will be in the mail Tuesday. I'm from north of the boarder so it might take a week or two.


Thank you so much, also is the 417 a rare tractor I’m just curious as I have not seen them anywhere in my area and I had to spend $800 to get a custom cab

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The Gman

The 300, 400 and 500 series not so much. But then give it time. Yours was in 1985/86. Just a youngin compared to 60s ones. But as you know they don't make them like these anymore. Good care and maintenance and it will be passed on yet again for sure.

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1 hour ago, Elijah’s Wheel Horse 417A said:

I actually already bought this one the thread is to big



If you still have get an adapter like this and use it.  the one on my 418 has an adapter like it.


Edited by pfrederi

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