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More house work... master bath

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35 minutes ago, 19richie66 said:

Looks great. Right color.👍  The drywall mesh and the tile board mesh are two different materials. The mesh I used was grey. The fiber mesh (membrane) for sealing the corners is a fiberglass style cloth. 


I thought so too, but apparently the 6” cloth tape can now be used for waterproofing or drywall repair.  This was such a new change at my local store, they didn’t even have a home for the stuff yet, I cut open the very first case.. :handgestures-fingerscrossed:


The second coat is complete.  Man this stuff stinks!  It is though, like a cast when it cures... so I will tolerate the paint high for the day, knowing it’s for the best of the shower!


I am not sure how much it matters, but the back wall of the soap cubby in the shower is the same piece of cement board as the exterior wall of the shower, so I slapped some pink on that surface too, so it doesn’t wick from the other side.  Overkill?  Ubetcha but I had extra Redgard and don’t see myself needing more any time soon.  That’s right, I’ll be taking a break from bathroom projects for quite a while when this is finished!




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I have the river rock tiles cut to fit.  Now to duplicate it!  There’s plenty of filler pieces to whatever gaps pop up.





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I intentionally left a bit of exposed mortar around the drain, to allow the weep holes to work if water gets behind or under the tiles.  My genius wife suggested instead of trying to completely disassemble the floor, pull the tiles back layer by layer then work part of the floor at a time.  Me caveman.  She smart.




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6 minutes ago, pullstart said:

Me caveman.  She smart.





You win the internet comment of the day Kevin.

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48 minutes ago, 82Caddy said:


You win the internet comment of the day Kevin.


Give credit where credit is due, right?  It’s working!




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I’ve got enough thinset mixed up, I’ll do some small stuff.  





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953 nut
4 hours ago, pullstart said:

river rock tiles cut to fit.

I love that look but the wife didn't seem too happy about it so we have 2 X 2 tiles.       :sad-darkcloud:

4 hours ago, pullstart said:

Me caveman.  She smart.

Would have been a lot more interesting if she had let you work yourself into a corner, thinset takes a long time to set up.    :text-lol:

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1 hour ago, pullstart said:



What’s with the different colored tile? Looks like it’s lost

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It is a different color.  We’ll add it in every 4 or 5 tiles.  I’m going to call it an engineering change order, so I don’t have to look like I didn’t buy enough tile before they discontinued it!  When I added the extra height in the wall, I think I cut myself short on tiles.  I ran some figures and realized I was 2 or 3 boxes short.  I worked with the manufacturer, Home Depot our own @PeacemakerJack and Mrs. P. trying to figure out what to do.  This was our solution.  :handgestures-thumbupright: :handgestures-fingerscrossed:



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It is coming along very nicely Kevin!  The floor is really looking good and I have big time envy about that “trough drain”—that is gonna be really slick.  Good thinking Mrs P on those weep holes...👍🏻

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Grout is in!  I waited too long on the first portion to sponge the excess away.  It’s tearing up my sponge pretty good!






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My diamond blade may be past it’s expiration date.  I popped a new one in the saw and I’m ready to rock and roll!



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With the help of a 4’ level to scribe a guide line and a small shop level on a piece of steel stock, I was able to get quite a bit of tile on the wall.  Good news is with so few vertical pieces, I’m not afraid to go floor to ceiling in one day!  






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Looking very good buddy!!

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46 minutes ago, stevebo said:

Looking very good buddy!!


Thanks, “Gentleman” 


By the way, this is Mrs. P’s go-to now, with Sprite.


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I’m looking to finish this big wall today.  




Random layouts and stack ups, until it looks just right!  I of course had some professional advice from Mrs. P.  I guess I’d have to pay for the flack I’d receive if it wasn’t right...  :ROTF:




I’ve got my columns stacked up and ready to cut my first piece and go!




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The tub surround is finished, I will start the big wall now.


So much tile!


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10 hours ago, pullstart said:


Thanks, “Gentleman” 


By the way, this is Mrs. P’s go-to now, with Sprite.




Don't blame me for that ... lol


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Oh so close!





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Pullin’ a @MikMacMike all nighter!  


I have one wall and a couple corners to finish up, along with the posts of the wall.




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Great work, 

looks interesting win the brigther „application“.


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Thanks Stefan!


I’m out of mud and out of steam.  See y’all in the morning!

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8 hours ago, pullstart said:

Thanks Stefan!


I’m out of mud and out of steam.  See y’all in the morning!

Lookin like she is coming along great there pullstart.....I might be heading back to work after i get the 4x4 back on road....I might need a plumber apprentice heheheheh. Well that depends if they put me in the plumbing section or the steam fitter section, I might be going to Darlington nuclear too, then its on to heavy duty construction. I do all my own tile too and I will say you did a great job the buddy, I love the tile you picked too.

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38 minutes ago, MikMacMike said:

Lookin like she is coming along great there pullstart.....I might be heading back to work after i get the 4x4 back on road....I might need a plumber apprentice heheheheh. Well that depends if they put me in the plumbing section or the steam fitter section, I might be going to Darlington nuclear too, then its on to heavy duty construction. I do all my own tile too and I will say you did a great job the buddy, I love the tile you picked too.


From a tradesman, I appreciate the comments!  I’ve never tiled a wall, or a cubby.  Just one floor before this, with 16” squares.  Early on in this thread you can see the first bathroom I did out of a family room.

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