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Parts list / kit for renovating hydro transmission with Eaton 1100 ?

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Hi guys


Well I guess the title says it all.


There are kits to be had for renovating the manual trans, but I see no such kits or just a parts list of what bearings, bushings, gaskets and so forth should / could be replaced. I have looked at our vendors sites, but do not seem to find this anywhere.


In this case I'm searching for it for a C195, but I would think it would be about the same parts for other models ?


It is only tor the trans box, not the Eaton unit. Parts for that is readily available thru Eaton.


Any input is welcome

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I wish I could help you Tom, but I have not had the opportunity to mess with any of the Eaton transmissions.  :think:  Maybe do a video of a tear down and re-build.  :)

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That´s a good idea Steve!


Do these things newer break, or is it just a big secret how to do it, since there is literally no info on it?

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There is some information...but the 1100's are newer...and I think they are re-buildable...not like the 700 series.  I know a few guys have ventured into this, but you are right...there is not a lot of information on this site.  You might check some different sites and check out the manuals that we have here.  :)

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I am confused are you talking about the Eaton Unit (Hydro pump and motor) or the transaxle?  Other than axle seals not much goes wrong in there.

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i think the trans part is mostly the same as the diff end of an 8spd trans no?

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Yes it´s the trans part of it. NOT the Eaton unit.


I just had the idea that when taking it apart for new axle bearings and seals, I might as well do the bearings and bushings too. No?


I too would imagine some of it is the same as for the 8 speed.

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3 hours ago, Skipper said:

Yes it´s the trans part of it. NOT the Eaton unit.


I just had the idea that when taking it apart for new axle bearings and seals, I might as well do the bearings and bushings too. No?


I too would imagine some of it is the same as for the 8 speed.

It is much simpler than the 8 speed.  Are you having a bearing problem???  Newer hydro transaxles rarely have any issues.  They use 8 pinion differentials that have 3/8" bolts that resolved the differential failures in early sundtrand units (they had 5/16" bolts).  They also do not have the internal parking pawl that when misused dumped metal shaving into the old units  The bearing rarely fail.  Hydro transaxles hold much more fluid than gear drives 5 qts vs 2.  The case is mostly filled with fluid meaning the bearings are well lubricated.  There is no gear shift hole to let in water and the high fill level reduces the water introduced by condensation.  I have drained several hydros and never saw any sign of water contamination..the biggest cause of failure in gear drives.


If your axle seals leak by all means replace them and if you have any up down fore and aft movement in the axles then go in...other wise in my opinion "If it ain't broke don't fix it"

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Was going to pull it apart anyways to put in a LSD spring. Just would like to be prepared on what parts could be sourced and from where, if any needed replacement.


So no one has any idears about any of the bushings, bearings, gaskets, seals etc?

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For C-195


Inner axle bearing is the 1533...see Lowell

Outer needle is 9416 or B-1816


Axle seal is 9449 like old sundstands  CR 11124

1532 bearing is same as 8 speeds  M16121


108357 seal is now 253-44  CR7443

Case Gasket 108312  Toro



Unless your tractor was never maintained i doubt you will need an bearings....

eaton 1.JPG


Edited by pfrederi
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Thanks :-) very usefull


Is this from the files section. I could not find it. Do you have a link, or a search frase you use?


Edited by Skipper
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Not aparts breakdown but very good info

Edited by 19richie66

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