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Chris G

Speedex S18 and Swisher Ride King

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Chris G

Here's a couple better pics of my recent tractors I acquired.






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Like that speedex



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Digger 66


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Kind of like the zero turn.

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Nice tractors!! :handgestures-thumbupright: Always liked the Speedex tractors. Been kinda looking for one of those Swishers also, I think one of those would work out well on my lawn.

Enjoy your new toys.

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Chris G

I actually intend on mowing with the swisher myself. It was missing a couple pieces for engaging the deck. But I tracked down those parts and there on there way! The speedex is gonna be another worker. But I do intend on cleaning it up with a paint job and a good go over mechanically.

Edited by Chris G
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The swisher are great to mow with and very simple engineering, but ONLY like flat and dry grass or you will be spinning that front tire like crazy! This is one I redone last winter.


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Chris G

I always wanted one and when I seen this one I figured well, nows the time to get it. Cause they do not show up often were I'm at.

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I wonder who's buying that? Surely somewhere they're selling or the company wouldn't continue them.


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Sweet tractors. Love the speedex with the attachments. I redid a speedex S18 that I found in my in-law's corn crib but I don't have any attachments for it other that a mower deck. I'd love to find a plow and some wheel weights. 





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  On 6/6/2018 at 11:30 AM, CasualObserver said:

wonder who's buying that

Really when's the last time you saw one at a dealer?


That's a dandy Mike :handgestures-thumbupright:...real nice show cruiser!

  On 6/6/2018 at 1:54 AM, Chris G said:

But I do intend on cleaning it up with a paint job

I dunno Chris they are only original once but of course you know that!

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Chris G
  On 6/6/2018 at 2:39 PM, WHX19 said:

I dunno Chris they are only original once

I agree there. But I got to weld the one corner of the hood and then I will do a good cleanup on it. Then I will make decision of a total repaint or just rims and new decals.

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  On 6/6/2018 at 2:45 PM, Chris G said:

weld the one corner of the hood

Yeah always a crime  when a repair has to burn orginal paint. Lower left hood stands & belt guard tabs come to mindI I often  try a cover up of rusty primer and another 60 year wait to re-patina :lol:

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  On 6/6/2018 at 2:39 PM, WHX19 said:

Really when's the last time you saw one at a dealer?


No idea?  I did the dealer locator on the website and they're apparently everywhere... even locally!  Might have to make some inquiries and see about a test ride!


We had a Swisher Big Mow when I was a kid... it's still at home in the shed under about 35 years of dust with the motor blown. Weird wind-up and push button starter on it if I remember correctly.  Not sure if the Big Mow was just a name change from Ride King or if it was wider cut or something?  I don't remember if it's a 24 or 30 inch cut... but the machine looks the same as the Ride King.


Fun to ride... there's some youtube videos out there of some people showing how they work... but if you go looking, be warned, you can end up in a time warp of cool stuff to watch in the related videos.


Chris, I agree it would be great to be able to preserve it as original, but some of these things need to be restored to get them to the next generations... So by all means... restore that puppy!!  The Speedex package is fantastic... nice to see the related implements still with it after all these years.

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  On 6/6/2018 at 3:08 PM, CasualObserver said:

see about a test ride!

Best idea all week! :)

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  On 6/6/2018 at 3:08 PM, CasualObserver said:

Weird wind-up and push button starter on it if I remember correctly.


Ahh, the old Briggs & Stratton wind up starter. One of the worst  Briggs inventions ever!! Discontinued do to injuries from the spring flying out or the ratchet failing causing the handle to spin at engine speed. Nice to have as novelty on a vintage  motor but I would never trust using one.

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Chris G

Here's one I have that came on a tecumseh


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Chris G

So I made some progress on the speedex. I personally like the patina look over a new paint job. So this is were it's at now.



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  On 6/6/2018 at 3:08 PM, CasualObserver said:


No idea?  I did the dealer locator on the website and they're apparently everywhere... even locally!  Might have to make some inquiries and see about a test ride!


We had a Swisher Big Mow when I was a kid... it's still at home in the shed under about 35 years of dust with the motor blown. Weird wind-up and push button starter on it if I remember correctly.  Not sure if the Big Mow was just a name change from Ride King or if it was wider cut or something?  I don't remember if it's a 24 or 30 inch cut... but the machine looks the same as the Ride King.


Fun to ride... there's some youtube videos out there of some people showing how they work... but if you go looking, be warned, you can end up in a time warp of cool stuff to watch in the related videos.


Chris, I agree it would be great to be able to preserve it as original, but some of these things need to be restored to get them to the next generations... So by all means... restore that puppy!!  The Speedex package is fantastic... nice to see the related implements still with it after all these years.

TSC, and a few other hardware/tractor stores in my area carry Swishers.  But, mostly they're walk behind trimmers and tillers, and maybe some pull behind attachments..  I haven't seen anything else Swisher makes in any of these stores.

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Just to repeat a previous comment, the three wheel Swisher can be dangerous!  It is very tippy on any kind of slope.  And it doesn't like to climb slopes, as the weight of the rider is not then adding weight to give traction.   I would never let  anyone (like a teenager) who doesn't respect its' stability problem.  All that said it is zero turn and kind of fun to operate.

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  On 6/11/2018 at 10:32 PM, Chris G said:

personally like the patina look over a new paint job

Glad to hear that Chris... I kinda cringed when you mentioned new paint! :lol:

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Chris G
  On 6/12/2018 at 1:13 PM, WHX19 said:

I kinda cringed when you mentioned new paint!

ya i dont like getting rid of original myself, but i wasnt sure how good it would clean up.

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that speedex cleaned up nice, always liked them, I have been keeping an eye out for one 

Edited by jabelman

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Chris G

So the swisher is a 1988 and I decided to do a restoration on it and do it a little different. Let me know what ya think? This is it so far. I tracked down all the missing pieces I needed. I'm currently starting the hood and waiting on some parts for the tecumseh engine.




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