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Shawn wheel horse

Wheel horse gt14 transmission problem

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Shawn wheel horse

Looking for help I have a wheel horse gt 14 it runs great but when I go to drive it moves about a inch and makes a really loud screeching noise and a little bit of smoke came from the rear end and its hydro driven and it has a new belt on it for the hydro  pump any help would be  appreciated  Thanks 

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How long has it had the new belt?


And by the way, welcome to the forum.


Im in Corinth and if you can manage to get the tractor onto a trailer you could swing it buy and I can help you diagnose the issue.


Perhaps assist with repair.

Edited by Aldon
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My guess is that an idler pulley has seized

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953 nut


How did the tractor perform prior to replacing the belt?

Did you pay close attention to the routing of the old belt and install the new belt the same way. There is a runner at the bottom end of the belt travel that the slack belt will rest on, if your belt is under it that would explain it. Take a look.

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Shawn wheel horse

I looked the belt the guy before me put on was lose but it still spins the transmission fine but still dosent move and still makes the noise not Shure it the guy put the belt on right 




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