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Just purchased a C100.  Everything was working fine for 1 day.  Got stuck in mud and pushed it out while running,  Shut tractor off and went to restart. 


Now it just makes a noise from the starter. No Clicking,  Battery is strong.  Lights work when key is engaged. Turned the drive belt by hand - turns freely. 


Tried to jump start with no luck.  I am a novice and was looking for advice.  Thank you in advance.

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6 hours ago, stonecottage227 said:

Just purchased a C100.  Everything was working fine for 1 day.  Got stuck in mud and pushed it out while running,  Shut tractor off and went to restart. 


Now it just makes a noise from the starter. No Clicking,  Battery is strong.  Lights work when key is engaged. Turned the drive belt by hand - turns freely. 


Tried to jump start with no luck.  I am a novice and was looking for advice.  Thank you in advance.

Sounds like a bad connection which in your case is an easy fix because there are not very many wires on the whole tractor.


Disconnect the negative battery cable.

Remove the negative battery cable and clean the terminals.

Remove the positive battery cable and clean the terminals.

Remove and clean the connectors and cable ends of the starter and solenoid.

Remove the starter and solenoid and clean where they each mount to there respective places.

Also, locate where the engine feeds the voltage regulator and clean there as well.


Reassemble and try to fire it up.


Keep us posted and we'll go from there.




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And :text-welcomeconfetti:



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953 nut



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The C-100 should have a clutch safety switch, and a seat safety switch which will prevent starting if not in the seat with foot on the clutch. 

But if you are getting a noise from the starter, you must be getting power to it. With that model, when you turn the ignition switch, the solenoid should engage (making a click), and provide power to the starter. If the starter is turning but not engaging the flywheel, you may have a problem with the Bendix on the starter.

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:text-yeahthat:I'd say the Bendix also. It could be dirty and hanging up causing the starter to spin but not engage the flywheel. BUT, it could also be that it's not getting enough go-juice to engage it which could be from bad/dirty connections, bad battery......you get the point and the information above should get you going. Special attention to the battery cables.


I just ran into this while working on my 76. The wiring diagram I was using was for the B and C series of that era but didn't specify a year. Why I downloaded it and didn't use the one that came with the tractor new I'll never know :unsure: but something didn't look right. Then I discovered that I was using a diagram for tractors without a seat switch. It showed a single pole pto switch but I had a double pole with the additional wiring. I grabbed the original parts manual and bingo, the correct diagram. I kinda assumed that 76 could be the first year for the seat switch but wasn't sure so I just know did some research. 1975 was the first year for the seat switch. 74's didn't have them. So keep that in mind if you need to get deeper into the wiring. Verify the year of your tractor. Of course this is also subject to all the little quirks the Ponds loved to throw at us. :rolleyes:



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Definitely do not have a seat safety switch..where is the clutch safety switch located.

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YEAR 1975


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It's mounted on the frame right by the clutch. The 75 should have had a seat switch but it's common for them to be bypassed. Take a look at the pto switch connector just inside the pto lever. If there's something like 6 wires doing to it you used to have a seat switch. Remember, if the starter is spinning but just not cranking the engine your safety switches aren't causing the problem. :)

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No luck after cleaning everything up to perfection.  Wondering now if clutch related as the machine can be pushed while in gear and move freely.  This was not the case before the problem.


What and where is the Bendix?

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The Bendix is the gear assembly at the end of the starter shaft. It has a spiral spline inside that causes the gear to be moved in the direction of the flywheel when the starter is spun. A small spring at the end of the shaft pushes the gear back when the starter stops spinning. If the spline is gunked up, (say with mud), grease or other contaminant, it won't move. Remove the starter, then remove the plastic cover if it's still there, remove the clip holding the spring, remove the spring, and gear. Clean everything. Do not lubricate with oil or grease, but use something like graphite, or nothing at all.

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953 nut
40 minutes ago, stonecottage227 said:

Wondering now if clutch related as the machine can be pushed while in gear and move freely.  This was not the case before the problem.

Are you sure the High/Low selector lever didn't move to the center position.

44 minutes ago, stonecottage227 said:

What and where is the Bendix?

Bendix,   AKA Starter Pinion


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:text-yeahthat: That free wheeling thing id definitely not related and I'd bet Richard hit the nail on the head. :)

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Hi Chick,


I'm going to ignore the pushing in gear thing - that's something else (sounds like a bad axle key) - and will try to lend a hand on the no-start.


If you want to check the wiring and you don't have a meter, you probably have a set of car jumper cables. It's got a Ford-like solenoid so connect the jumper to the (+) on the battery and then touch it to the small 'trigger' lead on the solenoid. If starter cranks, it's the wiring to that solenoid terminal. Unlikely. If it doesn't, touch the jumper - we're talking car jumper cable - to the starter and see if it cranks (the sparks are just the fun part) - if yes, solenoid or heavy wiring to the starter. If not, starter. This all with a good battery and a really good battery (-) to chassis and engine ground, of course. If you're unsure of that, you can jump the battery (-) to the engine.


Those models have simple wiring but over time the corrosion sets in. I've had to rewire two of them. Good luck! Anywhere near Atlanta? I can help.


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Thanks Guys - I will take a look at your feedback this weekend.

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