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Clutch pulley sealing/ring

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Hello people,


Hi there, I am new here. I must say I am impressed on how active this forum is. It looks great!


Since a few weeks I own a 211-5 Wheel Horse tractor. The Wheel Horse had been stationary for two years. Today I used it for the first time when some kind of ring or seal on top of the cluth pully broke. Now there is no good transmission anymore so the mower deck doesn't work properly. I attached some pictures for clarification. I can't seem to find this part anywhere, perhaps because I use the wrong term for it. Can anyone help me to find it or at least can tell me what the name of this part is? Thank you very much!


Bonus question :) What is the difference between a (original) Wheel Horse and a Toro Wheel Horse? Did "Toro" bought "Wheel horse" at some time?








Edited by Mark1983

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Hi and Welcome to Red Square.  For the bonus question...yes TORO bought Wheel Horse in 1986.  We have a "Manuals" section on the main page.  Your 211-5 is probably built at the Belgium factory.  Go to the manuals section and type  211-5 in the search box.  Here is one of the manuals, but you did not post the year...so this one may not be for your horse.  Use your model # to find your year.   :handgestures-thumbupright:



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Thank you for your answer. My horse has got an ID with 11B502. So I presume it is from 1986.

Before I signed up here I looked in many manuals but it looks as if this part is not in the books (?).

Therefore the question here for the specialists...





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Well, I did some further research. I post my result here so perhaps I help someone else with it.

Apparently the clutch in the 211-5 (and other types also) is a 'friction cone clutch'. See image below.

The part I am looking for is the friction material (nr. 3) that I can wrap around the male part of the cone clutch...

The search continues.....B)


EDIT: Apparantly in the past friction materials (for clutches for example) where manufactured with asbestos..

Don't panic... I am still alive... :P




Edited by Mark1983
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You are correct...your model #11B502 is a 1986 made in Belgium.  We have a file in Manuals/Misc Items (page 2) that shows most of the Belgium numbers.  :handgestures-thumbupright:

When I was looking through the manuals earlier, I did not find that seal listed anywhere or picture of it.  I guess we need someone in the know to be able to help you.  :think:


   We posted at the same time.  Your horse is new enough, I am thinking a TORO dealer could have what you need.  :handgestures-thumbupright:

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It is correct that the friction ring or friction material for the clutch isn't sold separately. ...unfortunately. At the end I sent the clutch to a specialist to vulcanize a new friction ring on to the clutch. The result is good. I paid 80 euros (that's at this moment $94). Not cheap but cheaper then a new clutch. Here below are two pictures. My Wheel Horse is working again!


frictie 1.jpg

frictie 2.jpg

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I think you did very well Mark.  :handgestures-thumbupright:  That kind of thing for a vertical shaft horse has got to be hard to find.  Glad to hear you got the horse running again...very lucky and a good success story.  :occasion-xmas:  Thank You for letting us know you got it worked out and with excellent pictures.

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