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Horsing Around RS

GT14 Transmission Issues

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Horsing Around RS

Hey guys. I am hoping you can help me out on this one. I have a GT14 that does not move forward or reverse. Some times I can get it to crawl a little bit, but only on a level surface and only once and a while (not every time I try). When I have the tow valve in the drive position (not tow) the wheels lockup on it like it is supposed to when you try pushing it. It has a 3-point hitch on it and that works great...it picked up 170 pounds with ease. The fluid level is where it should be. The keys on the hubs are fine. Filter was changed 5 months before this started happening. When it was working, the tractor used to "drift"...it would be idling in one spot then all of a sudden take off by itself. Any help to get my GT14 moving again would be greatly appreciated.

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I'd start by getting the Sundstrand manual and go through the diagnostic section. Read up on the acceleration valves as most times they are at fault. It helps to know what year and model GT14 you have,  the transmission pumps can differ depending upon year/model.



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From the manual Sarge mentioned...i am thinking linkage or control shaft pins given the 3 point works and the unit used to creep (bad neutral adjustment)



Edited by pfrederi

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953 nut

Couple of thoughts here. Check out page 6 of this manual.

Sunstrand Hydro (part 4).pdf

The other thought is the plastic Cam could have broken. Let us know what you find.


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Horsing Around RS

Thanks for all the suggestions. That gives me a place to start. I plan on getting into it this weekend.

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Just in case, If it turns out to be the pump, I happen to have a refreshed one I'd let go of. PM me if you get to that point.

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Horsing Around RS

Hurray, it's fixed! The internal plug on the Hydro came loose and fell into the vertical passage next to it. I think it's page 51 of the manual. Thanks for your help guys! If I can ever be of any help to you let me know. :woohoo::thanks:

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