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tranny what year /model opinions welcome

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i got these two tractors of the same person . I think the transmission was taken of the RJ and put on the Suburban but am not sure  






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Look at the casting date on the transmission center section. The date code is cast immediately to the right of the hole in which the shifter passes. That date code is the letter and numbers indicating month and year of casting. If  the code year is 60 or 61 it definitely did not come off the RJ. But if it says 59 it could have set on the shelf awhile then got used on  the next year suburban.  Looks like there enough parts to put the tranny on the RJ and make a complete one

Edited by oliver2-44
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You're correct on your thinking. The tab that the brake band bolts to is vertical (RJ 5003 transmission) and the idler is the flat style that applies tension to the back side of the drive belt. The 5010 (Suburban) brake band tab is at about a 45° angle and uses a V pulley idler that tensions the belt from the inside. In other words, the idler is pulled down to tension the belt on the RJ and pulls up on the Suburban. It's possible that the very early Suburbans ended up with a 5003 but since you have both tractors and looking at the partial RJ I'd say it's an after the fact swap. :)

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953 nut

:text-coolphotos:            Nice to see that the hood wasn't cut on the RJ. With a little  work you will have a complete RJ and parts and pieces to build a custom Suburban too.             :woohoo:

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Chris G

I would agree with the previously stated. By looking at the idler pulley it looks to be that the transaxle was took off the rj. It also looks like they took the foot rest off the suburban and flipped them and applied them to the rj. I'd put the rj back together and do as 953 nut suggested, and make a custom suburban.

Edited by Chris G
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Alright this is random, but since your transmission question was answered and no one else pointed this out, that RJ has the original SHOWER HEAD MUFFLER!  :happy-jumpeveryone:

Either way you size both of those tractors up, it was a great score!



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Thank all of you for the information . The PO could not remember what had happened . As a child his family  had bought the RJ new with some implements he still had .  he had bought the Suburban himself used much later and had put a B&S 5hp on it explaining  the hood cut  Both had been stored sometime  .  

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PS, I forgot to put these parts in the previous post as to what they are . They were found it a box containing parts to some of the accessories   from the RJ/Suburban .  snow plow, cultivator  , reel  and rotary  mowers .not sure what they are or even if the are Wheel Horse 


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@Racinbob is correct about the switch of the transmissions.  I am not sure what your plans are, but it would not take too much money and effort to have 2 horses, an RJ and a Suburban running.  If you are thinking like I am, I would get in touch with @Lane Ranger in Green Castle, Ind.  He has a few good spare 3 piece transmissions that he just might part with.  

   Options... (1)  get another #5003 like the one you have and put it on the RJ frame.  (2)  get a #5010 suburban trans and put the #5003 back on the RJ and put the #5010 on the suburban.  You would have 2 correct horses if you did that.  Just something to think about.

   If you talk to Lane, he just might take that frame off your hands if you want it gone...and then he would have another RJ.    :)  :occasion-xmas:

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7 hours ago, Mike'sHorseBarn said:


Mike beat me to it  and the tranny heads were too busy grinding gears to notice!


Solid seat pan might point to an early '60 'Burb??  No matter either way nice score! :handgestures-thumbupright:



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953 nut
56 minutes ago, stevasaurus said:

Options... (1)  get another #5003 like the one you have and put it on the RJ frame.  (2)  get a #5010 suburban trans and put the #5003 back on the RJ and put the #5010 on the suburban.

Option 3:   build the RJ and have a little fun with the remains of the Suburban.5a907e078093a_BigShowThusday004.JPG.647a30a3fd5d306946acfd7ee2a2a4f6.JPG

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11 minutes ago, 953 nut said:

Option 3:   build the RJ and have a little fun with the remains of the Suburban.5a907e078093a_BigShowThusday004.JPG.647a30a3fd5d306946acfd7ee2a2a4f6.JPG



Option 4: I'll come take the whole mess off yer hands! :lol:

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Thanks again for all the info , ideas and great pictures of some custom  machines . 

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