nylyon-(Admin) 7,432 #1 Posted February 23, 2009 To our valued RedSquare members, I want to take a moment to thank all of you for making RedSquare the best Wheel Horse site on the web. We have grown to over 1100 members with 68,000 posts of useful Wheel Horse information. Growing is great and it's even better to meet new members both on-line and in person. Because we are getting bigger every day, I have created an introductions area. Please use this area to post welcomes to our new members, or if you are new to introduce yourself. Please use the introductions area to welcome our newest members and refrain from adding a welcome to help or discussion topics. This will help keep the board a little cleaner and easier to search. To our new members, Welcome. :thumbs: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
illinilefttackle 399 #2 Posted February 23, 2009 :whistle: Congrats for the success-But , please, this Ole guy needs a little guidance-so I don't invite the wrath of the Mod by posting something wrong. Think of Red Square as a muli-roomed house-if a newbie comes into the house and goes to the room that is posted to deal with his WH problem, then asks a question about it-we have to say"Lets go back to the 'introductions' room so I can welcome you" then we can walk back the "Question" room, where I can help you with your question"-----Anybody hear of a guy called Rube Goldberg? How is this supposed to work? You may have to walk me thru it-AL :thumbs: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rollerman 290 #3 Posted February 23, 2009 Al in a nut shell thats it. The idea here at "introductions"...at times a question is asked by a new member looking for an answer. There have been times that a member may have not received the answer to his question due to the thread being buried in Or haveing to scroll down through all the welcomes to find what a person may be looking for can be confuseing. This place is getting big Al with new members comeing in everyday. We're just trying to organise in a polite & hopefully non offensive way. We still welcome new members & old...but this area has been created to welcome them & hopefully they will jump in with there own introduction too. You can think of this area as the front door with the welcome mat, wheel horse tractors area as the liveing room, the technical sections as the study, other brands area as the bathroom. :whistle: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nylyon-(Admin) 7,432 #4 Posted February 23, 2009 The intent of the Introductions area is to welcome our new members. If there is a new member who has a question and you have an answer by all means answer the question and welcome the member. What this area is supposed to do is help keep the topic forums on track and to the point. A while ago I used to welcome all new members in the general area. I want to get back to this, but using here instead. All we're trying to do is keep the topics on-track while allowing us to welcome our new friends. And I'm pretty sure that my father was the real Rube :thumbs: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites