Which Tractor should I keep if I can only keep 1
Aldon, in Wheel Horse Tractors
Which Tractor would be your choice as a long term worker. For ease of use, ease of maintenance and flexibility.
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1. Tractor choices - I have 2 stage blower, 48 inch deck, 60 inch deck and if I keep tractors with 3 point, then I have a GT14 style Tiller and Sickle bar(Project) ,
314 H with gear reduction steering. Has 520 hours on the meter.16
GT16 (Restomod) GT14 restored with K341.8
C160 8 speed - Restored by Jeff/Fireman 9 hours on it since restore.27
GT22-8 Still in R&D alpha/beta state of build. 22HP predator, 8 speed, set up for independent 3 point.3
1956 Rj35 with Clinton - Totally restored5
1956 RJ35 3/4 restored,2
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I head to his house monday after work money in hand, but before I hand him the money he ask me "yall own the NAPA store in the next town over with the tire shop right?" yes sir we do "can yall mount some tires for me?" yes sir we can "if you will mount & balance 4 tires for me ill just trade you out even". I shook his hand and the deal was made, that was at the begging of september and after some looking over the tractor reading on here and waiting on parts, I got it home last week (i had it at my shop at our napa store).
Sorry for the long post everyone!!
By BillKC
Price reduced to $1,350. Please IM BillKC if you are interested or have questions.
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Do not want to separate the lot. You can buy them all and sell what you don't want to other collectors.