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neutral uni drive not working

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HI Guys,


A friend of mine has an old 416-8 with a uni drive.

I haven't done any work on transmissions ...he says all is working, but in neutral it drives a bit..

Its slowly going forward, he now uses the brake to "stand still".

Since he is not a mechanical type of guy at all...im going to have a look at it.

Not sure...but i think it has something to do with the brake ? wasnt it something like the brake should hold it in neutral and the transmission should rotate ?

Any fast solutions ? before i dive into the PDF's hihi

Thank you in advance !


Edited by henryhpsd

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953 nut
1 hour ago, henryhpsd said:

416-8 with a uni drive

In neutral there should be no movement with an eight speed. My guess would be it is a 416-A and there needs to be a bit of motion control adjustment.

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Thank you !...all i know its not a hydro...ill see in my 316-8 manual if i can find something about it...must be similar !


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ps... i phoned with him...as i thought...motion control lever thats that shift thing i have on my hydro (probably wrong hihi)

But he confirmed its not a hydro, and if it was a "a" version he wouldnt know. All he knows it has low and high gearing 3 speeds and reverse.

And he tells me he can "push" it in neutral...

Hm...makes me wonder if it just isnt something with the drive belt ...

Grr...im allready reading pdf's, dont u just hate it when u start reading and not sure where to find the "clue".


Enjoy the Sunday !

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I'm probably not the one to offer advise, but, here goes.  Sounds as though there has to be a bit of a drag on the drive belt, if the tractor wants to move in neutral, if it is a gear drive. Seems that would be the only way it would want to creep forward in neutral. :twocents-02cents:

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953 nut

Could the gear lubricant be so thick that it is passing rotation from one gear to another?

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:text-yeahthat: That's about the only thing that could cause that but even then the only thing that turns when in neutral is the little input gear. :think:

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Oke...if done as much catching up as i can reading the PDF's...but im without a clue.

I know he keeps his WH "clean" for as as far as "normal" persons go.:roll: (ill check, tnx !)


Although i wanna drive now towards him, (just have to find out hihi)

Ill go visit him some evening upcoming week, ill bring some new oil along with me...and do a "flush".

That's a good option ! I didn't thought of that ...thanks !


Thanks for you guys thinking along !:greetings-clappingorange:


Edited by henryhpsd
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I doubt there is anything wrong with the trans functionally.  I would do a flush with diesel or kerosene.  I'm thinking you may have some water or very thick oil in the trans.  See what comes out when you drain it and try to warm up the trans first.  :)

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U guys are just about amazing.....


Last evening...


I started to push the wheel horse in neutral and i actually found it to be "heavy" compared to mine.

So.... from all your advice:

I started to "flush" the transmission, when i removed the "bolt"...Something happend...


What came out of it...I can only describe as...


How a little child must feel about dessert, how she/he thinks it is....when he/she really doesnt want it.


It was so thick, it actually had a little test.


Last night when i got home with a sample, i put in a small wooden rod, this morning....it was still there !

After "flushing" a couple times new oil in (ill change that again) ...its much better...the owner says it never shifted that good and its easy to push hihi..


So on behalf of him .....THANK YOU ALL 

daddys pudding.png

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geez, what was in there? appel/suikerstroop?:flags-netherlands:

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That looks like very old 140W oil or heavier - someone may have filled the poor thing with grease, who knows...lol. I'd pour it out in a larger and flatter pan - might see some interesting results. Hopefully, no metal flakes...



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No metal ...thankfully....

I tried to put it in a pan....turned it upside down....and :banana-explosion: 

It remain seated ...like ketchup  lol... well...almost...


Now, without joking: ...there actually were a few big "bubbles"...how u say that..."behaved"...ehm... "not liquid anymore"

investigated it with that wooden stick, just too make sure there wasn't metal in it.


He couldn't remember if it ever was changed... It must have been in there for at least 25 years.

But im happy, im not a mechanic (neither is he)  but helped and improved (with forum help obvious) so...all happy !

Edited by henryhpsd
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That is good news.  These transmissions are pretty much bullet proof.  I would use it this winter and change the oil again in the spring.  :occasion-xmas:

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May want to flush and change it again if that stuff is that old and thick . Wouldn't even pour out of the cup ?? I'd really wonder about the condition of the engine on this poor animal - but, it does show just how insanely tough these things really are despite previous owners. I've had old small engines brought here or on equipment I dragged home that took using tools to remove the engine oils as well as transmissions - nothing can take that abuse like the older Kohler and Briggs engines or a WH transmission - even their hydro units. My 1277 had it's original filter and oil in it from day one when I got the thing almost 20yrs ago - a flush/oil change and it lived almost 2yrs before the swash plate exploded and wiped out the pump completely - not an unusual problem with the older style hydrogear units. The '66 876 from the same guy's buddy was the same way and I used that entire assembly in the 1277 since they are identical - simple flush/fill and oil changes at least once a year - it's still running perfectly despite the abuse I've put it through. There's a reason I like this brand of tractor - brutally tough and simple - can't beat that combination and the same reason I own an old Land Cruiser, lol...these things wear out their owners or just outlive them , and move on like nothing happened but some battle scars, gotta love that.



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Hello Sarge !


Thanks for the advice !

I was leaning towards the same.

The transmission was flushed good.... (several times) so...i also got the relative "safe" feeling for now... (as stevasaurus indicates).

And it really wasnt that thick it remained seated...I was joking a bit....though it did scared the heck out of me.....i wouldnt have been suprised if it did stuck in that cup.. hihi.


So Im going...as soon as he starts mowing again (thats all he does with it) ill get it to flush it again.

Good thing is:

He has change the oil of the engine and he does keep the battery charged and he uses a brush to get old oil on the blank spots

Thats as far as he goes...dont think he changed other thinigs like the filters or Sparks or grease on the "known" points......but overall it is iin good shape.

He just never looked at the transmission...


Best thing is... im new into Wheel Horse, and seeing this...well...hats off..impressed...and proud to have one. ! (owh two that allready is hihi)







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Your best approach should be to educate it's owner - the more they know the less they tear it up. As far as greasing it - lift it by the frame, not the axle and it will help distribute the grease better in the spindles and prevent wear/damage. Maybe down the road he will get tired of working on it - you could end up with the thing if you're doing the work, that is common.


Good luck, show him our site and let him join - we can keep it running for many years to come.



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