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plastic/vinyl dash panel straightening

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What is the best way to straighten warped, plastic/vinyl dash panels?

Specifically, wheel horse D series dash panels.

I have one that is cracked that I'm going to try and epoxy or plastic weld but it has a warp in it.  Not sure how it happened but it was free and in pretty decent shape except for the crack and warp.



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Hello, I restore plastic muscle car grills, warped part you need heat and weight on it. It is hard to explain how to do it but I use a heat gun, heat the part up until you feel the part is not super hard but watch not to heat to much then flatten by hand or use some weight.Some times you can use weight on the part and just heat up the weight that works sometime to, but again do not over heat or the weight may mark the part. For epoxy I would recommend "PC7" find it in most hardware stores,  plastic welding is ok if you are really good at it, I have done it but again do not over heat the part. That is it for now just beware of how much heat you are using.  I have been grills now for about 10 years and some times I could not fix some parts and had to fabricate a new piece for the part I was working on. I hope this will help you for what ever you do.   

Edited by maxiblue
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Thanks.  I do have a heat gun and will be careful.  Appreciate the response.

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Best way to straighten/flatten a dash is to place it in the oven between two piece of glass, (with about 1# total weight on top):"

1.  Set the oven for 170º with the dash & glass in the middle, for about 20 minutes, (don't open the oven until tomorrow). 

2.  raise oven temperature to 180º for 10 minutes,

3.  raise temperature to 190º for 10 minutes,

4.  raise temperature to 200º for 10 minutes.

5.  raise temperature to 210º and hold it there for 30 minutes,

6.  shut off your oven and let the dash cool down all night, remove it in the morning.

The sides may be slightly wavy, but your dash will be perfectly flat.


If you have any deep nicks, broken-missing corners or need to reposition/re-drill any of the holes -- fill in that area with "J B Weld, quick" then sand, cut, file or drill to get the correct shape.  A black felt permanent marker will match your black dash.  To re-letter your dash, follow this: http://www.mywheelhorse.com/models.php.   To keep your dash looking fresh and like new, spray it with 'Plastic Restorer' (like Mothers or Meguiars), but after you have lettered the dash, this restorers the oils that have been lost over time.  When reinstalling, it is smart to place a very thin rubber washer at each mounting screw between the plastic dash and metal stand, and then only tighten the screw 2-finger tight with lock-tire on the threads.

Good Luck,   Glen



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Thanks Glen.  Appreciate the help and response.  I will also look at the post you mentioned


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Just wanted to let everyone know I followed Glen's flattening instructions, to the letter, and the results were excellent.  Wish I would've taken a before/after picture.


Thanks again Glen.

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