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Ed Kennell

What have you done to your Wheel Horse today?

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1 hour ago, Wheel-N-It said:

hotter than Hades in North Carolina 


We definitely got spoiled by an unusually mild May and June. Cool and low humidity compared to normal. 


I went outside twice today. Rolled right back ondoors after a few ugly words about how bleeping hot it was. It's normal for July, but after the cool streak it feels like someone just flipped a switch! 

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I was out in it yesterday weedeating and mowing till around 5:30. Came in, took a shower and was done. I thought I moved out of Florida. :laughing-rolling:

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8 minutes ago, 19richie66 said:

 and was done. I thought I moved *****

That's okay Richie.

Here in Southern Maine we had 24 out of 30 days in June with recordable rainfall.

Of the other six we never had a day with full sun.


I haven't yet figured out if I've moved to the Northwest United States or maybe London... 

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That does it. Now I gotta take a picture of the inside of my shed! :rolleyes:

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24 minutes ago, squonk said:

 take a picture of the inside of my shed

I could do that for you folks but all you need to do is imagine what about Wheel Horse parts would look like if it exploded...... 

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14 hours ago, squonk said:

The belt lengths are different. The actual mule drives are the same except for 60" decks

There is one 37" deck that uses a different mule drive. The one with the double sided  v-belt.

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18 minutes ago, cleat said:

parts on hand

Excellent work! 

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@cleat Holy cow , that is quite a list ! At least you know what you have on hand.

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4 hours ago, Lee1977 said:

There is one 37" deck that uses a different mule drive. The one with the double sided  v-belt.


37 mule drive has no flat idler either. Uses two v pullies.

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1 hour ago, kpinnc said:


37 mule drive has no flat idler either. Uses two v pullies.


I had one like that.  The six side belt was not one of WH's better ideas, it turns easy and once turned goes bad real fast.  If you have one of those I highly recommend change three idlers and go to the standard belt.  That's what I did, and still have a six side belt hanging in my garage that I'll never use.  Thought about throwing it into the fire, but it isn't costing me anything and maybe someone will need it someday.  Or not.

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11 minutes ago, Ed Kennell said:

More work on the Ber Vac.

Ya know Ed. 

You don't get snow like you used to. 


I'll tell you what.  


Go ahead and bring that snowblower up here to me n BBT.  

I'll trade you a couple nights of free aggravation putting up with my generally poor demeanor along with some pretty fair to reasonable coffee.  

I might even be able to connive/convince my local food maker to throw some half decent grub together.   


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8 minutes ago, squonk said:

Phil Bowling Memorial cart.

What's the story on the cart?


I barely had any interaction with Phil.  

Is the cart of particular significance?


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38 minutes ago, ebinmaine said:

What's the story on the cart?


I barely had any interaction with Phil.  

Is the cart of particular significance?


About 4 years ago right before the show @Buzz put a wheel barrow trailer up for sale. I saw it posted just before I went to bed. I messaged Buzz and the next morning Buzz told me Phil had already bought it. I had been trying to find one for a while, I messaged Phil and gave him the business about buying it during the cover of darkness.:) He replied he really didn't need it and I could have it for what he paid. That's the type of guy Phil was. Friday morning of the show the cart was waiting at my spot. Phil dropped it off before I even got there. 

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peter lena

@TonyToro Jr.  think a repeditive problem is your best lead into its elimination .  thats what I  regularly do to a chronic issue , those bearings and related drag are a step by step problem , ever think about all the pto clutch replacements going on ?  start up the engine , get it up to speed and feed in the pto lever , quiet , easy no whyining noise , no screaming clutch , thats  how mine engages . every related bearing , and  belt driven point should move with ease .  just how I see it , also tweek the rear deck wheels , down lever mount point , for better movement . they were slightly splayed outward , used an 8" adjustable wrench , on the flat steeel , slid into a 1" x 4ft pipe  for leverage advantage , easily moved those wheel mounts back into flat square running , of course , green grease , serated washers .  keep tweakin , pete

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@cleat,  i applaud your organizational skills. 

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All this organization!! I learned my parts organization from @WHX??. Open the door on the shed, toss it in there, & hope you can get the door closed. Won't matter anyway, I'll forget that I have the part when needed. Will find the needed part after I buy a different one.:lol:

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41 minutes ago, Achto said:

All this organization!! I learned my parts organization from @WHX??. Open the door on the shed, toss it in there, & hope you can get the door closed. Won't matter anyway, I'll forget that I have the part when needed. Will find the needed part after I buy a different one.:lol:

My gut hurts Dan :laughing-rolling: Truth be told I learned from you ya wanna walk out ya gotta walk in backwards... :lol:

Edited by WHX??
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2 minutes ago, WHX?? said:

What they had a dimmer switch on the floor? No wonder it didn't start when I hit that... :lol:


OH my gosh, now you are talking Old School :text-lol:

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Well it looked like an old skool starter switch didn't it? 

Chime in you young pups if you don't know what we are yakin about and we'll edumacate you! :)

You need to invent a time machine Van so we can go back to simple times...:D

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3 minutes ago, WHX?? said:

Well it looked like an old skool starter switch didn't it? 

Chime in you young pups if you don't know what we are yakin about and we'll edumacate you! :)

You need to invent a time machine Van so we can go back to simple times...:D


Jim, you're right. At the risk of sounding like a reminiscing old boomer, life was much simpler back in the 60's, 70's and 80's. I'd love to have that time machine to go back to those days and enjoy life as we knew it then. Both of my children would go with me too. They are not ok with all the madness of 2023. Thinking about it, maybe our Wheel Horse hobby is somewhat of a time machine for us here on Red Square. 

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