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upstate yank

1975 wheel horse hydrostatic 14 horse

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upstate yank

once i find the correct valve so i can free wheel it ; the next thing is to figure why the shifter will not go all the way in to reverse ;forward works great and after using the pedal it come back to the neutral 'so the question is there a adjustment on the forward and reverse 'this tractor has been posted for a very long time for the 100 bucks and odd at that price no one bought it so i took the change and the good thing is the seller traveled close to 3 hours from the st louis are to here in springfield ;again time and now being retired i have the time to tinker with it ;i wish many times i had kept the other ones i had years back but after time we move on and being a long haul trucker i didn't have the time anymore 'out of the 4 i have now my favorite is the 69 charger 10 automatic' 

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Ed Kennell

There is one other Sundstrand hydro model  #3100077 that was used in the early tractors-1965-7.

It's tow release valve is a 7/16 hex head bolt.   It is located on the back vertical side of the transmission at the upper left corner.   There is not much room between the tranny and tool box, so you can only use an open end wrench.

BTW, we just had another hydro that would not go to reverse.   Luckily he discovered a screwdriver had fallen into the linkage causing the problem.

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upstate yank
On 1/21/2018 at 6:53 PM, Ed Kennell said:



Here, I found this old picture during a time out.

Oh, I don't remember if this was covered in this  post, but it is possible a previous owner changed to the other model Sundstrand Hydro that has the tow release valve on top of the transmission.

It is a Tee handle at the left rear on top of the hydro.

yep i did find the valve boy it is tight to the frame and as always froze up so later today i hope to get it to free up and put the new carb on ;just to hear the old girl run is enough right now ;than if i can figure out why it won't go into reverse all the way; thanks so much for the picture it was very helpful 

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You need to study the manual for the tractor and it's specific transmission - it will show how to set the neutral cam point as well as diagnose any issues within the pump/motor on the hydro. There is a plastic plate that has a slot that controls the direction control on the pump's swash plate - they can become worn and cause issues with speed in either direction. The arm itself has an eccentric that sets the neutral point - need to read up on how to set it properly with the wheels off the ground - if it's not set right it can be slower in either direction. Most times, the plastic plate is just worn out or cracked , they are not expensive and still available from several vendors here as well as Toro - someone I'm sure will have the part number in their head, I can't recall it now but I keep several new spare ones here myself as all of mine are Sundstrand automatics. There are some issues that can crop up with the direction valves, check valves and springs - those are stocked by LJ Fluid Power in MI and easily replaced externally. There is a ton of info in that Sundstrand transmission manual - it's a good idea to read it carefully and study up on these. Also - #1 thing is to always keep that hydro pump system clean and use the correct hydraulic filter , never cheap ones or automotive oil filters, these pump systems are sensitive to dirt and contamination as are any hydraulic system.



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upstate yank

thank you for the information ;i did find the valve to have it free wheel but as of not that is not a big thing as i am having problems getting the engine to start ;so again i ask you guys and pick your thoughts here; i did put on a new carburetor and i can see it pumping fuel from the bowel ;but it will not start sure it turns off fast;i did check the plug not sure if it is the correct one as it came out of a 8 horse but it still should at least fire 'there is spark off the coil and it is pumping gas though the fuel pump ;the plug after being taken out is dry which there should be gas on it ;the carburetor is suppose to be factory set 'yes i will need to get the manuel and yes once it does start and back in the garage i will change the oil as i always do when i buy another one plus change the tranny fluid 'as far as the forward and reverse i won't know for sure if it does work correctly until i get it to run ;so anyone who might have any ideas here as why it will spin but will not start ;again thank you for the information as i most certainly appreciate it '

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Give it a squirt of carb cleaner in the carb while spinning it over if it fires it will rule out ignition issues.  Does it have compression?  

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upstate yank

yes it does have compression and i did squirt some gas in to the carb during the starting but still it wouldn't start though a little smoke did come out of the muffler ;i am going to check the condenser next and a new plug ;thanks for the information 

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