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By CHuls
*Estate Sale*
71-16KS02 1977 C Series Garden Tractor C-160 Automatic Kohler K341S-71223A 16hp Sundstrand Hydrostatic 90-1140
Comes with mower deck (not sure but, I'm told it's a 48") & 42" plow blade model/sn 42BC01 08580 7276
Been sitting for years, haven't been able to get it started. When I put a little gas in to try starting it this year, it leaked from the tank, probably cracked fuel hose
Not sure what it's all worth together but, make an offer.
By PMeadows
Thinking about selling my 1974 C-160 and hoping to get a feel for interest. It has working hydraulics, front plow, single row rear plow, 42" belly mower deck, 55lb wheel weights. Runs fantastic, no smoke. Lights work, amp meter works, has plug in cigarette lighter (doesn't work). Left rear wheel cylinder has slow leak.
By RJ Hamner
I noticed that the 876 was leaking trans fluid on the garage floor after i parked it.
Went out the next day and cleaned up the spot and put a can under the hydro.
Checked the next two days and nothing in the can. So that told me it only leaks when its running
Fired it up this afternoon and let it run and cycled the lift a few times
Shut it off and checked all the hoses, filter and anything else I could see from the top
Crawled underneath and found fluid dripping from the area circled in the photo
If I replace the two parts noted on the photo is there a good chance that would fix the problem or are there bigger issues???
By RJ Hamner
I had wired the tractor according to the wiring diagram (I thought) and have been waiting on some parts to finish.
Everything was ready to go except the ground wire connected to the battery.
As I was looking at my handy work I thought that the ground wire would look better if I moved it to the other side of the fuel line.
In the process of moving the wire it touched the negative post on the battery......ZAP SPARKS!!!
Got out the diagram (see photo) and retraced the wires from the regulator (see next photo) to the switches in the dash (see last photo)
Everything looked like it is where it is supposed to be.
The only thing that I am not 100% sure of is the wire that comes out the bottom of the regulator and to which terminal on the starter/generator (hard to see in the picture, it's on the right terminal)
I thought I had it on the correct terminal. That wire does not appear on the wiring diagram.
Could that be the problem? or is there something I missed??
Will appreciate any and all help
By RJ Hamner
One of the prior owners had added head and tail light to the tractor (876's did not have lights)
I am getting down the the "short strokes" with the rebuild and trying to figure out the best place to add the circuit.
My thoughts so far are to tap into the cigar lighter and run the wire over to the wafer switch (the PO did an outstanding job installing the switch to the dash panel)
As most of the tractors that HAVE lights use a fuse in the circuit and I have been thinking of putting the fuse between the cigar lighter and the wafer switch.
YES/NO??? Other ideas?
When I disassembled the tractor I know that there was no fuse and I am not real sure about wires
(I wasn't paying that much attention to the wires as I had the diagram and didn't realize then that the 876 didn't have lights)