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1977 D160 Transmission release?

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Does the hydro on the D series have a release valve that would allow you to roll the tractor if it's not running?

I don't see anything in the basic manual about it.


Thanks in advance.

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Yes it does.... sitting in the seat on the left side panel about even with where the battery sits is about a one inch opening. Looking inside is either a place for a flat blade screw driver or a 3/8" square object? visible. Turning this counter clockwise about 1 to 1 1/2 turns relieves the pressure and allows bypass. Its entirely possible that it will be stuck (mine was!) and if the flat blade type, can be fun getting loose - with the square head a extension from your 3/8" socket set will allow a better 'bite'

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Great. Thank you. I'll try it tomorrow.

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IMG_3358 (1024x768).jpg

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Thanks. It looks like mine is partially broken. I don't know if I'll be able to loosen it at all.

Someone must have tried to loosen it with a flat blade screwdriver and half of it broke off.

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Sounds familiar - mine was wallowed out so badly that nothing I could rig up would budge it. (for some time I used my floor jack under the rear wheels to move it around) But finally I went into the drive system pump and once on the bench it came loose fairly quickly with a pair of vice grips. It screws all the way out of the pump, so once I had it out, I brazed a 3/8" nut on the end of it :greetings-clappingyellow:

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