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Help hydro barely moving

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My c160 61-16sk03 atuo hydro will barely move. If I push it a little it will go. But it barely moves and will not go on it's own. Any suggestions???

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If you have the manual or you can download it in our manual section get the one for your tractor as well as the Sundstrand or Eaton manual for that transmission - look at the section covering the tow valve and see if it's in the wrong position or opened . Also , check the drive belt - it could be shot or a sheared pulley key . The rear hubs might have sheared the key or gotten wallowed out from being ran loose - watch the axles and see if they are spinning in the hubs - that is a common problem some have had in the past .



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1 minute ago, Sarge said:

 - look at the section covering the tow valve and see if it's in the wrong position or opened. 


:text-yeahthat:  :text-goodpost:  :text-+1:

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Based on your model number you have a sundstrand hydro.  Make sure tow valve is closed tightly.  is this a sudden onset problem or over the long term????

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This tractor was wrecked about 3 years ago. I just now got a new frame and put it back together

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If it worked before the accident then i would suspect a drive belt issue (as sarge said sheared keys) also is the idler pulley putting enough down pressure on the belt to ensure it isn't slipping and check the motion control linkage Is it moving the plastic  plate through a full range of movement.



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Make sure the little set screw is tight on the little transmission motion arm. This arm has the little ball that slides in the plastic cam on the motion linkage. I had one loosen up once and when I was moving the motion control, this arm was not moving the shaft on the pump. 

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953 nut
2 hours ago, rsmall5206 said:

My c160 61-16sk03 atuo hydro will barely move. If I push it a little it will go. But it barely moves and will not go on it's own. Any suggestions???

Your transaxle is a Sundstrand 90-1140. Is this a problem that has been coming on slowly and has gotten worse or was it a sudden onset?

The first thing I would look at is fluid level and then the drive belt. If you need a belt it is a 5L-850 or a B-82 (both are the same belt size.

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The charts tell me your Sundstrand power unit is model 90-1140.  When you've exhausted all the above suggestions / guidance, it is likely that the Hydro pump and motor have worn out.   I have a rebuilt one...PUMP AND MOTOR on the shelf and ready to send.  

my email is:




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Guys I took my left side rear tire off and the key was gone. Replaced it with a nother key. While I had jacked up I tested it looks like it fixed but haven't done the official test drive waiting on some parts still. I will let you all know if it fixed it. Thank you to everyone

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953 nut
6 hours ago, rsmall5206 said:

While I had jacked up I tested it looks like it fixed

:woohoo:       Simple inexpensive repair, glad you got it fixed.       :text-bravo:

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