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whats the differences to the 520 tractors? help questions!

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Hi, i have a couple questions if anyone would mind helping me out!  I have a 414-8 (i think its an 87) that I would like to swap a few things on to make it work and look a little better to me.  The first thing is the front axle... will a 520 swept front axle bolt right in?  Is the center pivot bolt the same diameter?  I know the outer knuckles are larger 1" on those machine but are they the same height?  I figured I could just sleeve the knuckle to keep my stock 3/4" 414 spindles if so  Also any info on this john deer 200 series swept front axle swap? anyone know if the pivot and knuckles are all the same diameters on that one?  and how much wider is it?  This one is actually looking to be an easier swap if the bushings are all the same size


Also whats differences on the 520 frames?  Are they longer or the exact same frame?  Brace for the transmission mount? and mainly just the front axle?

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520 axle is direct bolt on...



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The 400 frame is the same as the 520.The only difference is that with the gear reduction steering on the 520 there is an extra pair of holes drilled in the frame rail where the lower portion of the steering shaft and gears are mounted.The axles are roughly the same height but if you bush the swept axle for the 400 spindles you need to keep in mind that the 520 swept axle has a needle bearing and washer setup at the bottom.The 520 axle is also wider,track wise than the 300/400 series so you will need longer tie rods as well.You can drop the 400 axle and the 520 will bolt right I place of it.

This swap is doable but not just a bolt on as you might hope.JMHO,Luck,JAinVA

Edited by JAinVA
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If you get the entire setup from steering wheel to front wheels and swap everything then it really is a bolt in.


I added a gear reduction swept axle to one of my early 520's that did not come that way and it was a bolt in except for drilling 2 holes as mentioned above.


To complete the look and have the front and rear the same width, you could also add the larger 520 rear wheels.


Easiest and likely cheapest way to do all of this would be to find a complete 520 with serious problems that you could get cheap then swap all parts at your leisure from one machine to another.


You could bolt your old parts back on the 520 and re-sell it.



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I converted mine to steering reduction,  didn't bother drilling the two extra holes. It's not putting any stress on it really,  so didn't bother.  Eventually I will lol...

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thanks for the answers, I didnt know if there were any extra frame braces around the transmission area on the 520's or anything like that.  Anything wheel horse related is insanely expensive around my area is seems, so the chances of finding a cheap 520 complete is nearly impossible.  I already made a set of "520" like wheels out back by cutting up a set of 8" (or maybe it was 8.5" wide) wheels from a bolens or some tractor and pushing the centers towards the rear lip to work perfectly. sand blasted and a nice paint job, most would never know the difference.  Do I really need the steering components?  I was just mainly looking for a wider axle and the forward sweep to help keep the taller tires away from the deck more.  Long tierods is easy, I can make those and for the spindle ends I figured Id just use a simple set of 3" tall 3/4 to 1" brass bushing sleeves.

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The swept front axle will go on without anything else. But need the longer tie rods.

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