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RJ25 Info

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    I am here to gather some more Info on the what i think is a 1955 or 1956 RJ25. It all looks to be there except a few nuts and bolts. The Briggs motor moves free and feels like it has decent compression.

My main question is what stands out the most for a RJ25 so i know its not a clone? I know it has been sitting atleast 18 years buried in garage. I can have picutres as soon as tmw.

I am working a Trade deal and just want to know a little about what im dealing with. I have researched a ton and just thought maybe some new life in a post could bring some answers. TIA  

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Fellas will be along to :WRS:  but yes we do like our :text-coolphotos: here. Briggs might not be correct motor but that's neither here nor ther. You will get some good info should you desire.

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First most obvious thing to tell other than the engine is whether or not it has the hole in the hood for the gastank as it should not have a hole. Second it shouldn't have a kill switch on hood unless someone has added it....other than the engine, hole in hood, and kill switch they are practically the same tractor as a RJ35. The engine if it's original should be a Briggs Model 8 with a cast iron block, air vein governor not mechanical and should have a recoil starter instead of rope pull only.  I own a original 1955 RJ25 so will help you all I can. Good luck!

Edited by rj35hunter
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Thank you for the Info. soon after i posted this i learned how to properly use the search tool! I honestly cant remember how the tank was setup. The only thing i am firm on is that its a Briggs Model 8 Motor.

Going to get pictures of it tmw after work and go from their. Anyone have a ballpark of value on a decent RJ? Cant confirm it runs but i dont think it will take alot. 

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Value would depend a lot on  pics we don't see Merle...but a 25 is sure to command a fair price given the rarity. Running or not would not affect the the price  of the chassis IF and that is a  big if ever thing else is ther. If the seller has got pics posted somewhere cut and paste them here and we can help you out better.

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It's actually a friend of mines dads that passed away a few years back. It's not exactly for sale but is wanting to trade for a old Honda 3wheeler I got. I will get pics later tmw and see what y'all think

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Just guessing but....Unless the 3 wheeler is something really special, even an RJ35 with or RJ25 clone is a probably good trade.

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953 nut

:text-yeahthat:       @rj35hunter has some great RJs and is the man when it comes to the identification.     :wwp:

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Ok had him send some pics. Not the best for close up but at least you can possibly give me a idea what I'm looking at. The hood does not match up for a rj25. What is it? Y'all are the experts! Seems like a good group of ppl here I'm glad I joined 





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It's a 1960 Suburban with a replacement engine.

Pretty difficult to tell whether a 400 or 550 unless you can see the dash area... if it has no hole, or a hole with a knockout plug to the right of the steering column it was for sure a 400.... beyond that without the original engine pretty difficult to tell.

And that bracket hanging on the front belongs to a snow/dozer blade... might ask if that's lying around. Should have a foot pedal for the right side and a lift link for the left.

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Jason beat me too it  but Not an RJ Merle ... looks to be a (nice) Suburban , very possibly a 1960 400. Briggs engine (should be a Kohler) but that's a common swap in the day. Belt guard is wrong and appears the throttle/choke control has been modified. Some other mods too possibly.

Value 3-400 maybe five to someone who really wanted one. Less if the motor doesn't run.

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Jason and Jim have covered it. See if there's any indication of a battery ever being under the seat and holes where a solenoid would have mounted. If there are none then that would be another indicator of it being a 400. Foot rests are off a later model too. All common things that folks did to them and no harm/no foul. It looks to be a nice solid machine and a great find. :)

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953 nut

In the photo with the loading ramps the air cleaner is attached, be sure to get it too. As others have said, 1960 400 Suburban.  :(


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I greatly appreciate the help and am overwhelmed by the knowledge you guys have about these tractors. I have been looking for a project like this for awhile now. If I need parts like possibly carb parts is there somewhere I should check out or a parts guy y'all know? Also where might a fella find a dozer/blade? He does not have any of that kinda stuff 


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Chris G

I would say it is a 1960 suburban 400 as well. 

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953 nut

There are lots of good new carbs on :techie-ebay:that are made overseas. I and several others have used the ones for Kohler engines with good results, I suspect they make them for the Brigs too.

Place a wanted ad in our classified section for the grader blade, never know who might want to sell one until you ask.

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Your welcome Merle...we have the knowledge cause we have the fever. Just hope you don't catch it, worse addiction than gambling, alcohol or the opposite sex. Been known to more than one of us to get the look from the missus or threatened with the rolling pin.

Keep your eye on the classifieds her and of course the popular auction and for sale  sites.....attachments do pop now and then. Engine parts are available out ther as well. If you have problems finding them use your shout out. Most of us have links to parts sites that won't quit. 

Most off enjoy your new project! :)

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  On 9/20/2017 at 12:34 AM, Haggard_KFX said:

Also where might a fella find a dozer/blade? He does not have any of that kinda stuff 


I might beable to help you out with a dozer blade just let me know i have a 401 i have never used it sense i got it! Nice find:auto-layrubber:

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Well got it to the house and started tinkering with it. Carb is mess but I was able to get it to start so I at least know it has potential. From what I can see this is a 3hp motor?? I have more pics so maybe y'all can give me more info





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Alright fellas does anyone know what carb I could use on cross reference to the one that's on it now? Just can't get this one to do the job. 

Alright fellas does anyone know what carb I could use on cross reference to the one that's on it now?

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Can you provide a better photo of that one possibly from other side? 

Is it a Tillotson? If so and you want to save it I have information on it.

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Looks like a Briggs Flo-jet carb.... which would be right for the Briggs engine.... what do you mean by can't get it to do the job? You can't get it adjusted properly? The adjustment instructions are in this manual linked below. (directly from Briggs antique engines site) Briggs is fantastic about keeping their historical manuals available online. Here.----> https://www.briggsandstratton.com/na/en_us/support/faqs/browse/antique-engine-specifications.html




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  On 9/29/2017 at 3:21 PM, CasualObserver said:

Looks like a Briggs Flo-jet carb.... which would be right for the Briggs engine.... what do you mean by can't get it to do the job? You can't get it adjusted properly? The adjustment instructions are in this manual linked below. (directly from Briggs antique engines site) Briggs is fantastic about keeping their historical manuals available online. Here.----> https://www.briggsandstratton.com/na/en_us/support/faqs/browse/antique-engine-specifications.html




27842a-domestic.pdfFetching info...

Yes so basically it acts like the bowl is not working correctly. As it fills up and then leaks out the air filter. I have never messed with a carb of this style but it seems the principles are all the same. Also all the adjustment arms are off. Thank you for the link! 

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