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C-125 Restoration Project

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Just joined the forum and it seems this placeis a wealth of knowledge....

Anyway, I am currently in the middle of a small restoration job on a C 125. The tractor was given to me by my grandpa and he was the only owner. The tractor was in pretty good condition to start with, just a few small problems. Sorry that I dont have any starting pictures but ill try to find some. 

I'll try to post updates as I progress through this project. Hopefully this post will spark some good discussion. Thanks for reading!



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Ed Kennell

:text-welcomeconfetti: to the  :rs:Mark.   Lookin forward to following your redo.     Keep the pics coming....:wwp:

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Looks about like mine Mark, total Resto in the works, Welcome to the club !0707171756.jpg.7e88d4c1d2ca109d69533df35232717a.jpg

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953 nut

:WRS:            :text-coolphotos:              I always love to hear of a :wh: being passed down in the family, your Grandfather will be proud of your work.    :text-bravo:

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15 hours ago, Ed Kennell said:

Mark,  please don't take photo  tips from Fred.    He has the ******only *****auto antifocus camera  available.  :teasing-poke:




Maybe not the ONLY one.....

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 :WRS: and congratulations on your first :wh:Horse , especially one that's been in the family since new :handgestures-thumbupright: .  

Yea don't take any camera tips from @Big_Red_Fred ... still debating if it's grease for his truck or greasy fingers from the French fries he just ate on his lens ... :lol: ... :hide:

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:WRS: Mark, we like a guy who isn't afraid to take things apart.  ...any problems along the way just ask! Some of the fellas here know everything there is  to know about a black hood!

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Hey, i still have a Tube of Brill Cream in my Medicine Cabinet , Roll my pant Legs up, id pass for Sha naw naw LOL, Greaser

And i deserved that Ed hahaha, i owe you dinner at Texas Road house, heck ya all can come

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Thanks for all the warm welcomes!:woohoo:  Today I got the engine taken off and have it pretty much down to the frame. The next step is to replace a leaky transmission axle seal. Does anyone have any advice on the easiest way to do this? I do not have too much experience with transmissions.

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Ed Kennell

Remove the set screws from the hub.  If they are socket head set screws, be aware some mechanics stack the screws to act as a lock.

Remove the hub with a puller.  Most use another hub or a custom made puller using all 5 of the hub bolts.  If you use a 2-3 jaw puller, you risk breaking the flange on the cast iron hub.    


    Do not beat on it with a hammer.....there is a snap ring on the other end of the axle inside the transmission that you could damage.


Deburr and file smooth any rough spots on the axle so the hub slides back on easily.  This will ensure the new seal will also slide on w/o damage. 

Some also wrap the keyway with mylar or shipping tape to help guide the seal lip over the keyway.


The old seal can be removed with a seal removal pick.   Image result for seal removal pick


Please check the axle bearings first.   Most seal failures are caused by a bad axle bearing.   Up to 1/8"  Axial (in and out) movement of the shaft is OK.

A 1/16 radial (up and down) movement indicates the bearing is worn and probably exceeding the seal limits causing it to leak.

Edited by Ed Kennell
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:deadhorse:  I will fix that old horse

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23 hours ago, Ed Kennell said:

Mark,  please don't take photo  tips from Fred.    He has the only auto antifocus camera  available.  :teasing-poke:

If you smear Vaseline on the lens, it makes the image all soft and fuzzy and romantic!

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:rolleyes: Seems your secret is out Big Fred...

well...umm...at least, this one is.  :blink:

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18 hours ago, WHX12 said:

 we like a guy who isn't afraid to take things apart.  ...

I used to work with one of those too. Problem was it never went back together. :rolleyes:


If he couldn't fix it with a hammer, well it wasn't fixed! :tools-hammer:

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Ed Kennell

                                                                     :text-yeahthat:  Mike is right Matt.


         You'll need more than a hammer to put your horse back to perfect condition.  

     Basic :wh: tool kit  = 1  hammer+1 screw driver+1 adjustable wrench+1 vice grip to serve as a throttle lock.   :laughing-rolling:

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Well i was at the Show today in York, Pa. Met Ericj, Ed wasnt to be found ? I brought him a Amish hat and a book How to grow a Manly Beard, by of course, Mr Manly Red Fred LOL, Big storm was heading in & i didnt want to see the upcoming Wet T shirt contest cuz them gals were Commando , WOW ! Could of used some of that Vaseline ! Poor ole Eric has a Fleet of tractors out, The C195 was an eye catcher, the 520 with a loader was smoking, but still no Ed, Oh Wilbur :text-lol:

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Ed Kennell

Ed just raced home from the Hillbilly State trying to stay  ahead of the big storm.   I hope everyone at Dover was OK. It looked nasty to the North when I came by York.

I spent a great day down in WVa  at the family reunion.

I don't have any Great Grandchildren, but many of my Great, Great  nieces and nephews  were a little leery about reaching into Jaws  for a piece of watermelon.


Lots a fun though.....swimming, water balloons , corn hole tournament, and reminiscing .



And no Vaseline  on the lens Fred.


Sorry for pirating your post Matt.  :text-offtopic:     Let's get back on topic .

Edited by Ed Kennell
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Ed, there's a Nice 314-8 in Maryland, real nice, the deck is ok, sum repairs, the plow is rusted pretty bad, 500 out the door, what do you guys think ?

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Thanks for the help so far everyone! On to the next step... I drained the oil out of the transmission and the fluid that came out looked orangeish. To me it looks like there is moisture in it. I guess this is an indication for me I should crack the transmission and check the insides. I have never opened a transmission before, so any tips or things to look out for would be greatly apreciated. Pictures will be soon to come!

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You don't necessarily need to open up the transmission because of the weird fluid, and you can certainly replace seals without opening it up.  You could flush it with kerosene or diesel, and it might be fine.


On the other hand, I've never opened up either of mine, but I've talked to enough people here on RedSquare to know that it's a pretty straightforward job, and I would feel confident doing it.  Help is always available here.


Have you checked the axle bearings like Ed suggested in post #13 above?  You should.  And are there any other problems with the transmission that you know about?

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Okay, well I just got the back tires off tonight, and am still trying to figure out the best way for me to get the hubs off (I dont curently have any types of pullers):think:. There doesnt seem to be any up and down play in the axle, but its kinda hard for me to tell. I think i am just going to open up the transmission anyway. Not that anything is wrong with it, but I just feel that i would kick myself for not seing the inside of it while I have everything this far apart.

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Ed Kennell

You will have to make a puller using all 5 of the bolt holes in the hub,  or you will break the hub.

Go to browse forums, and do a search for "hub pullers".    You will get several hundred ideas.

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