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Kevin Cox

B-5 Wheel Horse

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Kevin Cox

I recently acquired an old Wheel Horse.  It says on the cowl that it is a B-5.  I can't find it listed anywhere.  I understand that the B series started in about 1971.

I just broke the deck belt and cannot figure out how to put the new one on.  There seems to be no easy way to thread it through (as is possible with my other lawn tractors) so I've been looking for a diagram of the pattern or method involved.

Anyone familiar with this tractor or this problem?

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:WRS:  B-5 doesn't ring any bells for me. Can you snap a picture and post it?





Edited by rmaynard
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                                       :wwp:  :text-coolphotos:



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Could it be that you are looking at the number for the mower deck? There are some decks that begin with B5- and are followed by a series of letters and numbers.

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I'VE never seen/heard of a B5.  :wwp:

If there is a tag with model number on the deck, you can most likely find info for it in the manual section here on the forum.

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Kevin Cox

Here are some photos of the B-85 (oh, I was wrong calling it a B-5...what a dunce).  I'll try to look it up again under the correct name.  I found (in the 3rd photo) the I.D. numbers...02-08 BX01-  13155    1188.  

 In the final photo you can see the arm and spindle with two bullies, which allows no manner of sliding the belt onto the bottom pulley, at least as far as I can see.  I'm not real good about getting down on the ground... kinda crippled and I have no lift.





Edited by Kevin Cox
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A guess on the model

The parts illustration shows the belt routing


A much later operator manual that should be similar.



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Kevin Cox

SORRY F0R any misunderstanding, but these do NOT show the routing of the belt, it only shows the parts involved. 

What I need is ( per my final post) is not JUST the routing, but the manner in which the new belt can be put around the bottom pulley of the two pulley shaft.

there doesn't seem to be a way to get the belt under, over, around or through the bottom pulley.  If there is a way to get it under, around, over or through with the new belt, it would be an easy matter to continue with the routing.  PLEASE LOOK at the fourth photo of the four I attached to my second of (now) three posts.

So.... here it is again:


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Retired Wrencher

 :WRS:Just a guess it looks like you need to take the deck off to put on the belt????? Then reattach the drive belt on top. That pulley is the V grove the one to the right is the flat or top or the belt  idler pulley. looks like the rest will fall into place.



Edited by Retierd Wrencher
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Kevin Cox

Even if I were to take off the deck, there seems to be no way to get the belt around the bottom pulley without removing the "c" shaped part that has the two pulleys on it.  Part number 32 in this illustration.



Edited by Kevin Cox
Added photo and clarification
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i guess you take off the deck then take out bolt number 39 in your last post

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Kevin Cox

Seems to be the solution.  I'm just so old and rickety and haven't got a lift, so I'll just have to bite the bullet and lay on my side and/or get on my knees.  I guess I could run it up onto my little short ramps and onto a quickly constructed wooden box.  That'd get it a foot high.


Thanks all, for trying to help me.  That diagram with the numbered bolt and part really will have helped by the time it's all over.  I probably should replace the other belt while I'm at it.

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Be careful down there. Dont go getting yourself hurt. I know sometimes I get down to look at something and sometimes I just stay there for a bit. Just short of taking a nap, lol

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Kevin Cox

I know... Thanks for the alert... kinda like Miss Kittie.... "Be careful, Matt!''

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Kevin Cox

FYI... The way to put on the deck belt WITHOUT taking the deck OFF, is to simply remove the idler adjustment bar (#10 in the illustration)... Two nuts and bolts and a spring... then the belt slides UNDER the bottom pulley easily..  Man!  after scratching my head for four days, I saw the solution.  I'm sure glad I didn't take the deck off and remove part number 32.


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