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Jason kohli

C195 Sell or part it out

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Jason kohli

I have a c195 the motor just went bad. I'm trying to decide if I should just sell it whole or part it out.I have the room to part it out just don't want to spend months parting it out,what does everyone think?

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953 nut

:WRS:        You could put another engine on it, perhaps a single cylinder Kohler, and keep it going while you find another twin or rebuild the one you have. The C-195 is hard to come by, probably best to keep it or sell as is.

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Jason kohli

Yes I understand there hard to get. I love the nostalgia of mowing on an old mower,but my knowledge on these is slim and to be honest it seems like every week I have to (tweak) something just to mow and with it already taking 2 1/2 hours.....tweaking just isn't something i have time for.

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My thoughts are sell it as a hole. You don't see many c195 s. These are very sought after tractors from what I've seen ,And to part it out I don't think will get you more then a whole tractor. It's the engine that made it what it is. Even with a bad engine people want a c195. Heck I would have to buy one if I found the right deal. This tractor is almost a 520h the biggest and best of there time.:twocents-02cents:

By the way Welcome to the best wheel horse site in the world. 

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elliot ness

Welcome to Red Square,:text-welcomeconfetti: Sounds like you would be better off selling it whole.:twocents-02cents:

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Jason kohli

Ok so selling it whole should I ask for offers or set a price? The only mower I have seen sold like this one around my sold for $400 and it was missing the hood ,seat, deck and had 4 flats.which I thought was ALOT! If I set a price what should I ask? Sorry for all the questions but like I said I am not as well versed on these as most are.

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953 nut
48 minutes ago, Jason kohli said:

whole should I ask for offers or set a price?

To post it in our classified section you would need to post a price, but could have a price or best offer. Post a couple of pictures and a bit more info. about the motor issue ( condition of block etc.).

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There is a lot of things that determine value. A tractors price is determined by how it looks and how it was maintained.

Pictures will tell a lot about it and nobody will buy it without first seeing it.

Just as 953 Nut posted.


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Or post to trade ? I'm sure on here the REAL CRAZY Wheel Horse Collectors would give you a Running Tractor for a Hard to Find Relic , Give it a try, it wont hurt 

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Jason kohli

Thanks for all the info. I will be getting pictures and posting in the classifieds asap.

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953 nut
40 minutes ago, Big_Red_Fred said:

Or post to trade ? I'm sure on here the REAL CRAZY Wheel Horse Collectors would give you a Running Tractor for a Hard to Find Relic , Give it a try, it wont hurt 

If it wasn't geographically undesirable (over a 1,000 mile round trip) I would probably be the first one in line to trade!

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Id be there sucking my thumb after Laying it open :think:

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Jason kohli

I  have posted this in the classifieds. again thank you all.

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Your welcome :)

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953 nut

:text-yeahthat:       I took a look at the listing, if it wasn't for the 1,000+ mile trip I would be all over that.   :handgestures-thumbupright:      I have a GT-14 and several 953s, just a sucker for a :wh: with  BIG rear tires.

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Not to blame youJason but a bit of constructIve  criticism here, look to me like it was rode hard and put away wet, in other words lack of proper preventive maintenance?  All said like Richard I would  be on that but I don't do well with long distance relationships.  Good luck with your sale. :) Those are killer tractors.

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Man i like them big tires to, want me to scoot up there and nab it for you 953 LOL

Trade him the 516H ? LOL, my son would ring my bell

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That has BIG RED FRED written all over that C195 hahaha, my son said give him the C125 LOL, forget that, give him my son ;-) 

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Jason kohli
22 hours ago, WHX11 said:

Not to blame youJason but a bit of constructIve  criticism here, look to me like it was rode hard and put away wet, in other words lack of proper preventive maintenance?  All said like Richard I would  be on that but I don't do well with long distance relationships.  Good luck with your sale. :) Those are killer tractors.

Yes I understand. I just got it a few years ago,and did what I could. I could have cleaned it up and made it look ALOT better,but I didn't want someone thinking they were getting a prized steer just to find out it was a pig with makeup!

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953 nut
8 minutes ago, Jason kohli said:

a pig with makeup!

To me it looks like a three decade old honest worker.

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I just did a 1300 mile round trip in 27 1/2 hr with the help of a friend as relief driver, could have done it faster but didn't want to push the old Cummins over 70 miles an hour and watch the fuel gauge drop like a rock. the point I'm making is it is doable. go for it you only live once





eric j 

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3 hours ago, Jason kohli said:

Yes I understand. I just got it a few years ago,and did what I could. I could have cleaned it up and made it look ALOT better,but I didn't want someone thinking they were getting a prized steer just to find out it was a pig with makeup!

No harm no fowl Jason ...unless it's a rotisserie chicken. . I'm all over those too! :lol:

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Ive been having C195 chills & shakes for 2 days, Eric J save me LOL

953, its dirty as my face pic at work LOL, Old Worker, dragging the chains of life 

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Upgrade...Parts for KT-19s are not widely available and depending on the over under you need may be NLA . Next overhaul of a twin gets pricey...  double machine shop costs.  I did am Magnum 18 and it was just under a grand and a lot of work., love my KT17 but will not do that again.  B&S Vangards are a good engine and more fuel efficient.

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