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By wh315-8
My show tractors for October Festivals.
RJ59, 1045, 657 w/sickle bar, 10HP and D200. Just love the attention and hearing the stories of grandpa or growing up had one. Always can see the joy these Horses bring to the spectators. Than telling them the WH history story along with Speedex story always intrigues them.
Than of course there is always someone that needs to get one out of the way.
Last year it was the 1045 and the PO was so excited to learn I got her running and been mowing my grass all summer. Of course I had to let him drive her around.
This year it’s a 702 I think I getting this week.
So many were engrossed by the Sickle Bar never knowing such was available on garden tractors.
By kthack657
While on Facebook yesterday a fellow redsquare member put out a wheelhorse that was on the market place. I pretty much ignored it because Jim was not home and I didnt know what time he was getting home and he has the truck. When he got home, I mentioned it but he did not seem to be interested so I left it there. Sooo...yesterday after driving 600 miles home from a car show in MI, Jim sees the same post on Facebook and was like "why didn't you tell me about this?" I was like "I did and you didn't seem interested" long story short he thought I said 1054, not 1045 and so he messaged the guy and the guy said if you have cash and can get here tonight, it is yours...bring help because it is heavy. So we put our little trailer on the truck and headed out. The trans is not locked up and the engine turns over, Jim believes that it would have started if the points are cleaned...not bad for a piece of "lawn art" that hasn't been run in 10+ years. It sat on a raised concrete slab, and it was rougher than the pictures showed. The guy said he originally picked it up in his minivan...that takes balls!!. The front and rear tires are SHOT and are not salvageable there are rust holes in the deck and the lights thatvare on the front are mismatched but it is all there and that is all that really matters...this one is getting restored!!
By whfan74
Made my rounds yesterday spraying the yards of family members. It is always enjoyable getting a thumbs up or a wave and a smile by those passing by. Jobs are always more fun on some of the old faithful machines!
By Lane Huls
I've been looking for a 1045 for a long time. I've finally found someone that is both willing to sell and not across the map. My experience with the 1045 is very limited since I can't find them for sale or see many. I have no idea what they are selling for. The one I have found is a restored tractor is overall good condition. Soon as I get a picture I'll share it. I'm in East central illinois, and I'd really appreciate your help