Need some Assistance / Advice on my K301 47147B
69-Raider-10, in Wheel Horse Electrical
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First - Won't crank
It took a while just to get her to crank ,(I have a tendency to go through the butt hole to work on the tonsils) I checked all of the safety switches (PTO, Seat, Brake) and found them to be good, then found the ignition wire "OFF" the solenoid. Plugged it in....Cranks great.
NEXT - No Spark
I have power to the coil when the key is on.
I pulled the flywheel expecting to check the points...ahhh...none there.
Found a series of very dirty magnets that I suspect make up the charging system.
I cleaned the magnets and put the flywheel back on....No spark.
Then my dog got out and I didn't get back to the shed. Hoping to get back out there today.
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I guess at this point I don't entirely know what I have to do. Is it an easy/worth it fix or does the whole engine need to come apart? Can I change it to a different type of ignition system? Any other thoughts to try? Repower?