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227-5 Transmission Belt Size

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Hi all,


Just a little bit of information regarding replacement drive belts for the 227-5 in the UK if you are not buying OEM that might help someone in the future.


The part number listed is 108427, which specs out as:

  • Top width: 13mm
  • Depth: 8mm
  • Outside Length: 2235mm = 87.99"


Sadly, a number of the first sites I found didn't specify that the 88" is the outside measurement so I having trusted their information and with the old belt still installed I just ordered A88s.  


Anyway, as I'm sure you all know, belts are sold based on the internal measurement therefore you would require A86! 


Actually now having spent some more time digging for information about the belt I have found sites specifying 88 as the outer diameter. including http://outdoorpowerinfo.com/, which seems like a pretty handy website.





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Belts can be very confusing.

If you need a B width belt that is 5/8" wide the industrial belts add 3" to the length.

A B85 would be 88" around the outside.



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