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Andrew D.

Toro wheel horse 244-H mower deck

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Andrew D.

I recently took on welding up the rust holes on a wheel horse 244-H 38in. mower deck, i quickly found out it was way worse than i thought and all in all completely junk so i took down the model number and called a local outdoor equipment place and they couldn't find anything on both the tractor or the mower using the model numbers. so what do i have? and if anyone knows where to find a deck in the southwest Mi. area, just the shell would be fine, i'm in the market :).






Edited by Andrew D.

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Here is the tractor

Here is the mower deck

A search of the Library (files) should bring up more results. Using the 22-14OE01 model number works the best.

14=engine hp

O=Onan engine

E-Eaton hydro

01 are both numbers.

Don't get the O's and 0's mixed up and include the -



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I might have a deck for ya Andrew. I believe I have a 244 parts tractor and if I remember right the deck was in fairly decent shape. PM me if interested.

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Keep in mind Andy the deck I have is a 42 but should fit up. You guys have to check out the new "twist" on this motor...wt :scratchead:! BTW the motor is yours too if you want it  guy. I will never use it but might be ok for parts? It does spin. I pretty much just saved it for possible hydro parts.



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