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Ive been thinking about selling my 4 RJ-58s and all the attachments and parts I have. I have 4 tractors-2 have Kohler K91T , 1 has the Clinton and one has no engine. Only 1 is missing the serial number decal. Kohlers run. Clinton needs a carb. I have original exhaust shields AND belt guards for 3 of them. 3 mower decks, 2 plows, cart, 2 spare transmissions, parts breakdowns, original manuals and sale tags, seats, tires. Not sure if I should sell it as 1 big collection or break it up. And also a good starting price? I'll post pics when I get a chance. Thanks
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By wh315-8
My show tractors for October Festivals.
RJ59, 1045, 657 w/sickle bar, 10HP and D200. Just love the attention and hearing the stories of grandpa or growing up had one. Always can see the joy these Horses bring to the spectators. Than telling them the WH history story along with Speedex story always intrigues them.
Than of course there is always someone that needs to get one out of the way.
Last year it was the 1045 and the PO was so excited to learn I got her running and been mowing my grass all summer. Of course I had to let him drive her around.
This year it’s a 702 I think I getting this week.
So many were engrossed by the Sickle Bar never knowing such was available on garden tractors.