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Anybody else do this?

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This is just for the Dxi/xi...Jeff









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Good grief. We are all a bunch of old guys, wanting/needing our paper to read. I found out it was 'normal' for people our age at my place of employment. We would all make copies of our lab notebooks before turning them in to the corporate library even though they were available on line. We could find stuff faster thumbing thru a 100 notebooks than trying to find stuff in the electronic format. 

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I do it too. Not only for my Horses but everything else as well...have a whole cabinet out at the farm dedicated to binders with manuals in them...everything from our welding machines to the backhoe is in there. I too save all my belt sleeves, as well as box tops off of filters for all our equipment. Heck I've even got the cardboard for the chain my chainsaw takes hanging on the shop wall...and I've bought enough of them to know the number by memory. I used to even go as far as keeping a log in every vehicle of every time it was filled up with gas...place gas was bought, total price, price per gallon, and miles per gallon on last fillup. 

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I keep everything in my head! :)



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I have paper manuals for each tractor, but I also have each one in .PDF format on my PC and laptop. When working on a tractor, I take my laptop to the scene of the crime. If I need a hard copy of a parts list or something, I simply print a copy. As another member mentioned, YouTube is also right at my fingertips if needed, and so is RedSquare.

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I keep a deep record of parts manuals , service records and such on everything I own , especially vehicles which is a big selling point when the time comes .


My wife and I have had that "talk" lately about where to go , who to contact should anything happen to me first . She's had some shocks to find out that some things are worth far more than she would ever believe , and others that have lost a lot of value due to age/wear . I put a small list of various contacts in a book to help her out in the future , especially how to deal with my welding equipment which can get a bit complicated in dealing with tanks and such . I keep digital and paper copies of nearly everything including service parts receipts for everything I have , it does help later in tracking down this stuff ....


And yes , I sleep with one eye open and the hand iron nearby...lol .



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Sure do after bein in the army for 30 yrs I have notebooks for all my tools and horses

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