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308-8 approx value

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Hello. Can anyone give me an approx value of a 1987 308? It runs great. Stored indoors. I have a receipt of repairs done to the tractor from the owners " get ready to sell" for $556.24 Thank you.






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@Conductorsmith :text-welcomeconfetti: to :rs:

That is a good looking GT minus the seat (which are almost always bad).

I may be wrong, but I think the price is too high.

Myself, would go $250-$300.

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I've paid far less for far more but that old WH will out perform new tractors that cost $2000s more.  Sort of puts pricing in a new perspective...  Could you do better!  Sure, in time.  Could you do worse?  Sure, go buy a new tractor. 

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857 horse

If that tractor looks as good "up close"               I would spend The $$$

Northern tool sells a seat "dead ringer"  for 44.00   ,,,,,,over heard Bob Maynard in here one after noon talking about it

I ran to Northern Tool,,,,,,,,,BOUGHT IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!      thanks Bob........nothing beats a good lead,,,,,and bread crumbs.....


                            Howard 857 Horse,,    in VA

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The 308-8 is a good little horse. It can do anything that a B-80, C-81, or C-85 can do. It has the Kohler M8 engine, and all of the attachments that fit any tach-a-matic model will slip right on (short of a 48" and larger deck). Put a new Northern V-3500 seat on it and you will have a tractor that is better than anything from Lowe's or Home Depot at three times that price. As always, my advice is to offer lower, but be prepared to pay the asking price. I have no doubt he will sell it for near or at that price.

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953 nut

:WRS:      That is one of the best looking 30 year old :wh: I have seen. The price would seem a bit high if it were an average 308, but considering the obvious care it has received I would be inclined to go for it. You would pay twice that much for half as much quality at a Big Box store and be back a few years later to replace it. My '87 312-8 is the newest one I have (not near as nice as this one) and several are over 50 years old and all are workers; they will last for ever given proper upkeep.

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If I read the post correctly the current owner just paid a dealer $550 for "get it ready to sell" repairs.  Either the dealer was a total rip off or there was something wrong with it....or oil changes are expensive in Michigan

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953 nut
2 minutes ago, pfrederi said:

was something wrong with it....or oil changes are expensive in Michigan

Sharp eyed observation, I was thinking that was the asking price,

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I may have read it wrong as well. I would be inclined to pay upwards of $500.00 and be happy.

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Looks clean and well taken care of. Check the underside of the mower deck to see if its been cleaned on a regular basis. Check the belts for cracks. Check the rear transmission oil. Check it over for leaks. Check the engine oil and when running for smoke. Check the air cleaner. Check the tires for weather racks. If it looks good overall. I think $500.00 give or take $50.00 is a good deal.

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I'm not sure if people have misread what I wrote, I'm not saying I'm selling it for $556... I'm saying there's a receipt stating that's what was put into it to get it ready to sell. Nor am I saying that's what's it's worth. I was inquiring on approx value. As we need to sell this for a friend. Thank you all who read my post entirely & gave me an idea.


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953 nut

I would say your friend will be doing well to recover the money he spent to get it ready for sale. Seems to me the repair facility did him (her) wrong if they were told that the intention was to prep it for sale.  :twocents-02cents:

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What was repaired would be of great interest to me as I buyer.  If it was something that stemmed from lack of maintenance my offer would go down because other parts of the tractor would also have been neglected.

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I bought a 310 -8 this spring in similar condition, 368 hrs. only need a tie rod to be perfect. It came with a 36 in deck side exit , and a bagger system for $400. I think these machines are worth more....but the market doesn't

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I'm sorry for misreading the first post, as I thought that it was for sale, and you were looking for a fair price to offer as a buyer. Having said that, in my opinion, if you are looking to sell it for a friend, $500 +/- $50.00 would be a fair price to ask.

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Crap.  Guess I misread that as well.  But I think all that I would have to offer has already been said and collectively better than I would have said anyway. B)

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can whlvr

its a tough question really.we all don't want to spend much buying them but want the top dollar when selling,i personally would not pay that for an 8 hp tractor,i have a 308 I bought new in 86,but I also have several tractors that run so I don't need to spend that much,but if I were looking for a tractor to cut a smaller lot and general maintanence I would think around 500 would be what I would like to spend,but location is a key factor,michigan has lots of horses compared to florida for instance,it is a nice lookin machine so it has probally been taken care of,they are reliable little engines,and use very little fuel

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Wait until spring and sell just as the grass is starting to grow. Those of us on this forum collect these tractors and most get good deals and sometimes steals. But the average home owner doesn't want a plastic disposable tractor that they buy at Home Depot for 1800-2000 dollars that lasts 5 years. This is a tried and true tractor that, if maintained, will last another 20 years. The parts are available and the engine is not some Chinese piece of crap. 

I would advertise it in the spring for 675.00. It's in good shape, you have records to show the repairs and its worth it. 

None of us would pay that much but the average home owner will. 

Let us know what it sells for.

all the best. 

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is it still 4 sale?

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6 hours ago, caleb said:

is it still 4 sale?

@caleb This post was like 6 years ago…doubt it’s still for sale. 

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