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GT22-8 Modifying GT14 to 8 speed and 22hp Predator

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 I hear ya ...only reason I did silicone as I didn't have a welsh plug and I wanted to keep moving! I am adding a zerk in the same spot then. :handgestures-thumbupright:

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953 nut
5 hours ago, Texas Todd said:

B-100 could be Zaccheus!!

Probably more appropriate for an RJ         :ychain:

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Texas Todd
3 minutes ago, 953 nut said:

Probably more appropriate for an RJ         :ychain:

That song was an earworm all afternoon after I posted that!!

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Got the tranny rebuilt and painted. Lost the drive pulley woodruff key so the pulley is only place but not bolted on yet for those eagle eyed patrons. Setting up the wife with a half dozen chickens the few days and won't get a lot done on tractor. Not a ton I can do regardless as I'm am mostly inhibited to basement shop until weather turns. This 8 speed will match the Restomod "Elijah" so black undercarriage and red body.



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Looks like a museum exhibit.


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I love the silver! I also like the grease zero idea, did that come factory or did you drill a hole?

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JC 1965

Really looks great so far. I love the way you are taking your time and paying attention to detail. Can't wait till you post more.      :thumbs2:

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You guys know your stuff on here. Its good there is so much knowledge among you guys. I love seeing the custom stuff.

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2 hours ago, HorseHead1089 said:

I love the silver! I also like the grease zero idea, did that come factory or did you drill a hole?

Check out Post 47. It is an add. Not my idea. Someone else here on square did it and I pilfered the idea.

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1 hour ago, HorseHead1089 said:

did you drill a hole?

He drilled & tapped see page 2 horsehead. I really dig the black/ silver and the case bolts.......right up my alley. Sure is going to be interesting to see what's going to be on the end of those looonnnggg axles!

14 hours ago, Aldon said:

Lost the drive pulley woodruff key

We gotta quit this Aldon....you screw up a input seal ...I screw up an input seal ....you lose the input woody ...I lose the input woody!! I was so po'ed ...I dragged the parts cleaner with a magnet for an hour and cleaned the bench twice! What's worse is thought I had more on the shelf but noooo!

Speaking of inputs that pulley looks huge, you gearing up for something other than stock?!?!?:)

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7 minutes ago, WHX9 said:

He drilled & tapped see page 2 horsehead. I really dig the black/ silver and the case bolts.......right up my alley. Sure is going to be interesting to see what's going to be on the end of those looonnnggg axles!

We gotta quit this Aldon....you screw up a input seal ...I screw up an input seal ....you lose the input woody ...I lose the input woody!! I was so po'ed ...I dragged the parts cleaner with a magnet for an hour and cleaned the bench twice! What's worse is thought I had more on the shelf but noooo!

Speaking of inputs that pulley looks huge, you gearing up for something other than stock?!?!?:)

I agree. Gotta stop the insanity ! LOL I am dropping by tractor supply to see if they have the woodruff key I need. I recall noting that the little piece of hardware needed to be protected and accounted for. I must have knocked it off the perch at some point inadvertently. Very frustrating especially since I knew and recognized this specific issue ahead of time and still failed. As for the input pulley, I had not given much thought to it. It just happened to be the one that was on the donor 1 & 1/8 axle 8 speed tranny i started with. Now that you mention it, I may see if i Have a smaller diameter pulley as I am a lot more interested in torque than top end speed.

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1 hour ago, Aldon said:

As for the input pulley, I had not given much thought to it. It just happened to be the one that was on the donor 1 & 1/8 axle 8 speed tranny i started with. Now that you mention it, I may see if i Have a smaller diameter pulley as I am a lot more interested in torque than top end speed.


Having a larger than stock pulley on the transmission side -just as you have it- will give you more torque and less top end speed, so run with it! :handgestures-thumbupright:

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I love it when a plan comes together!


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2 hours ago, bmsgaffer said:

Having a larger than stock pulley on the transmission side -just as you have it- will give you more torque and less top end speed


That was exactly what I was thinking........but I thought I'd keep my mouth shut and wait for the right answer to come from somewhere else.

When I was road racing bikes and needed a couple of more mph (if the tach wasn't redlined and the motor could pull the gear) we went down a tooth or two on the rear sprocket, or up a tooth on the countershaft.

It was just the opposite if you need more bottom end pulling capability........increase the rear sprocket size and/or decrease the countershaft sprocket.

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A less than earth shattering update. But hey! it's winter and any progress is good IMO.


The proverbial cherries on top came in today.


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That looks fantastic!

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Had to spend half the productive daylight hours assembling chicken coop for the great chicken experiment my wife and I are planning for this spring. But I did get to some tractor stuff eventually.


Started mocking it up. I can see already that the steering I plan to use is going to be very challenging and require major cosmetic surgery. Hope to try and fit engine to frame and see what ripple effects that is going to trigger on Monday. 



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I've been working on rebuiding Hydro pumps as it's been on the to do list for way too long so I am not making a ton of progress on this project. But I have made some. A pic with the engine in close proximity to its home position. 


Note that the engine drive pulley is installed. Used sleeve spacer and key obtained off eBay. Looks like it will work excellent.


The swap from Hydro to tranny means the support structure needs modified. The piece that supports the rear no longer mates up directly with tranny. There are a thousand ways to skin the cat. I chose to use a similar spare part as donor for material to fab a cross brace or ?? To weld in place. Then I will drill two holes to attach to manual tranny. I plan to install hydraulic pump and independent 3 point so I am going a bit beyond to assure the rear and 3 point is solid. My hope is to add a loader and I want the read to survive the weight of counterweight on the 3 point. Here are some pics. If weather holds and I can figure out my issue with welding I hope to get this piece finished this weekend. 



Edited by Aldon
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The notch in the plate I am adding is to allow the tranny dipstick.

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Fascinating, Dr. Trimble!

I'm curious to know something.

The HF engine weighs 106 lb.



From your overhead pic, it would appear that at minimum, about half that weight mass will hang outside the left vertical frame line.

How do YOU feel this might affect performance of the tractor if everything else you are custom fabbing works out?

I guess you could offset the calculated weigh offset on the other side of the tractor, if it proves to be a problem.


For me there's so many variables going on with this build, I feel like I'm going to Vegas to observe an Evil Knievel type of event.

Hopefully there will be no major loss of skin or broken bones upon landing beyond the fountain.


Interesting to say the least.........

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I'm widening the rear by at least 4-5 inches. A lot of the space to the one side is plastic housing. I would guess its about 1.5 inches from perfect center if you were to go through the trouble. However in addition to the muffler that is it will get the belt cover, belts and electric c PTO. So probably only a few pounds heavier off to the one side when all is said and done and I am confident that rear will manage that slight off center amount of weight. 

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Sounds reasonable to me.


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Looks great Alton, my 22 hp Predator is running strong (20+ hrs). Mowed all summer with the electric PTO, no problems.

 Will you have room for the stock muffler?

I see the 13500 generator with the big Predator in the background of the shop, I have one on the wish list.

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18 minutes ago, GT14 said:

Looks great Alton, my 22 hp Predator is running strong (20+ hrs). Mowed all summer with the electric PTO, no problems.

 Will you have room for the stock muffler?

I see the 13500 generator with the big Predator in the background of the shop, I have one on the wish list.

Thanks for the feedback. The muffler will need modified or the frame will. One or the other. Or both:-) I am still pondering options but it does seem that flipping it over by cutting it free of manifold flanges and re-welding seems best option if I go route of using stock muffler. I don't like exhaust pointed backwards into me. 


As for the generator, it had been on our wish list for a long time and I kept kicking it down the road. Then we had a power outage that lasted almost an entire night. Not significant as outages go as they have been as long as 2 weeks where we live but not since we moved here. The one night was a reminder that we are more dependent than some for power. Heat, water(on well) and medical equipment. So it got bumped way up priority list. Basically it was my wife and i's Christmas gift to ourselves this year. Peace of mind.

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JC 1965

Keep up the great work and please keep us posted on your progress.    :thumbs2:

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