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GT22-8 Modifying GT14 to 8 speed and 22hp Predator

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16 hours ago, Aldon said:

My GT22-8 started pouring smoke like a mosquito fogger at the Ct meet and greet. @fast88pu suggested I add an oil catch can to separate blowby oil from air from crankcase that is routed to the carb thanks to our illustrious EPA. 


Soent half the morning tackling that project. Can our greet and runs slightly more powerfully. I’d swear I gained a HP.


installed custom jackshaft to power the hydraylaulics. Have pump but that will be a POST big show project.


mounted the winch. Recycled a mule that the threads were shot for the mount so I can remove if I wish.


Need to wire it up tomorrow.


When you push 30psi of boost it is needed! 

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Very nice tractor got a good look at it at the show 

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On 1/18/2017 at 12:09 PM, stevasaurus said:

Aldon, do you mind if I throw out a few facts about these transmissions?  This may help some to understand what you are trying to do, or what you have run across.  :ph34r:

1.  Only 10 pinion transmissions are Limited Slip

2.  All 10 pinion transmissions are Limited Slip

3.  Not one 8 pinion transmission built by Wheel Horse has Limited Slip

4.  All 10 pinion differentials have one axle shorter then the other...and so one end plate is shorter then the other...1 part # for left and a different part # for right

5.  All 8 pinion differentials have axles that are the same length...1 part number for both axles

6.  If a hydro has the 10 pinion differential or the 8 pinion differential...all of the above applies

7.  Only the #5060 10 pinion LS differential (1968) had aluminum end plates...1969 and up have steel end plates

8.  Service Bulletin #252 explains the conversion of limited slip differential to 8 pinion differential

9.  If you have 4 pinions, you have 1" axles

10. If you have 8 or 10 pinions, you have 1 1/8" axles

11.  All 1 1/8" axles from Wheel Horse transmissions "should" be able to interchange


OK...what does all this mean?  If Aldon has 2 axles the same length and they are the length he wants (so his tires fit), he will be putting them into an 8 pinion differential and he will not have limited slip.  If he wants to modify (cut one axle shorter then the other), so as to have the same distance sticking out past the frame, then he could use a 10 pinion LS differential.  Hope all that makes since.  :)


Mind blown @stevasaurus!  Question...  are 1” and 1-1/8” axle equipped cases any different?  With a different outer bearing and seal can bigger axles be swapped into any case?

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@pullstart  Kevin, the cases are basically the same as far as looks, the axle tubes are bored out for what axles you have... the outer bearins use the same size diameter beaing so you would have to bore the out case tube...so they are not interchangeable.  Remember, both cases, whether 1" or 1 1/8" use the same #3912 gasket, so they are the same size.  Another thing to consider, All 1 1/8" axles are 6 or 8 speed (except for the bevel gear differential trannys) , so the right side case is milled different for the hi/low shifer.  There is 1 or 2 transmissions out there that are 4 pinion differential, with 1" axles that are also 8 speed.  The transmission on the 1972 Raider is one of those.  You may be able to bore out the axle tubes on that trans to put in 1 1/8" axles and still have a hi/low shifter.

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Jim Turner
On 6/11/2018 at 8:15 PM, Aldon said:


Was those rear wheel weights originally made for the case 400 series garden tractor wheels?  If so I have a few of them in my garage. I think they are an attractive wheel weight.

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2 minutes ago, Jim Turner said:

Was those rear wheel weights originally made for the case 400 series garden tractor wheels?  If so I have a few of them in my garage. I think they are an attractive wheel weight.



They are Extremely similar to those Wheelhorse sold for C195 etc.


i personally don’t know what specifically is different but I was told that there is a way to determine it.


I don’t think you can determine it while they are mounted and they are functionally the same.


i would bet that these are actually Case weights as I think a lot more were sold.

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Jim Turner
5 minutes ago, Aldon said:



They are Extremely similar to those Wheelhorse sold for C195 etc.


i personally don’t know what specifically is different but I was told that there is a way to determine it.


I don’t think you can determine it while they are mounted and they are functionally the same.


i would bet that these are actually Case weights as I think a lot more were sold.

It is hard to tell in the pictures but are you using the electric PTO clutch to run the Hydraulic pump jack shaft or is there a third pulley between the drive pulley and the PTO clutch pulley? I started following this thread when you were discussing axles to make this 8-speed work on your GT-14. I am wanting to install an 8 speed transmission on my 953. I assume I will need to do it in a similar way as you did this one. I also have a GT-14 but will probably leave it mostly stock as it runs good and the transaxle seems good. Love all the detailed work you did. those wheels look great. I was curious if it would be possible to use stock axles and simply make rims with a modified offset to allow the tire to have proper clearance from the fenders? Your tractor looks great! I am also wanting to fab up a small articulating wheel loader using Case 400 series hydraulic transaxles and a Wisconsin AGND or TJD to power it.

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