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GT22-8 Modifying GT14 to 8 speed and 22hp Predator

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I up graded my GT14 a few years ago with a Kohler Command CH18 still need to redo the hood to put on the decals.


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14 minutes ago, GT14 said:

I up graded my GT14 a few years ago with a Kohler Command CH18 still need to redo the hood to put on the decals.


The Decals really are a nice finishing touch!

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I Like what I'm seeing keep the updates coming :popcorn:

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That thing looks mean. :popcorn:

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So I've expanded my repertoire lately and have some personal stuff going on that may eat up a lot more of my project/play  time than I'd like.


But I'm making some progress and figured I would throw up an update.


i got the Backspace figured out for the custom rims and I've shown the pics in another thread but they really belong here. @fast88pu did me a favor and welded the centers into the blanks for me. He has access to a bigger welder.


In another thread I was asking for ideas on the axle pin. As I got into it more, the swept axle is straighter than the GT14 so the bracing had to get cut out and new axle pivot pin braces or brackets or whatever you call them will need fabbed up. I have spare frames so I cut the transmission plate from two of them and will flip them over to extend the axle pin lower towards the ground which will allow the straighter 520 axle to clear the Fran and have some swing movement. I can also drill the axle pin holes to 3/4". I don't have a plasma cutter or a cutting torch so these plates were removed with cutoff wheel. Lengthy and tedious. Still need to make some mods to the plates. For instance, I need to notch the plates so the axle is not all the way to the front.IMG_0771.thumb.JPG.8d6a2a356497ea18e713218d93697085.JPGIMG_0786.thumb.JPG.c04948513d24d9eab8016cefd2f09979.JPGIMG_0790.thumb.JPG.0e0f9fafc9a9f5e7ca65778d669ee35d.JPG


No no way this or my other RJ35 resto will make it to show. Bummer. But at least I am picking up a couple tractors while I'm there.


Edited by Aldon
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So cutting metal without a torch or plasma cutter is a royal pita.


Had some major home maintenance tasks the past couple days but I did squeeze in getting the braces fine fitted. Gonna tack weld them together and drill the pivot hole.



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Might want to sandwich those plates together and drill the pivot hole through both at once - better chance of keeping things aligned correctly .



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16 minutes ago, Sarge said:

Might want to sandwich those plates together and drill the pivot hole through both at once - better chance of keeping things aligned correctly .



Exactly the plan. Going to do a couple tack welds. Then drill. Will weld braces in place with pin installed to asssit with alignment.

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Ok. Finally getting back to this project. Tacked the two plates together, drilled the pivot and its mocked in place. Tomorrow I'll weld the braces in place and this should release the flood gates on this project. Although the reduced gear set up will need to be modified quite a bit. Due to the larger rear tires, I added about 1.25 inches to the front to give it a more level final look.


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4 minutes ago, Aldon said:

Ok. Finally getting back to this project. Tacked the two plates together, drilled the pivot and its mocked in place. Tomorrow I'll weld the braces in place and this should release the flood gates on this project. Although the reduced gear set up will need to be modified quite a bit. Due to the larger rear tires, I added about 1.25 inches to the front to give it a more level final look.


Drinking 40's while doing it ?? Lol

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That's the spray wax in close proximity. Ultimate optimism!!

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Ah ok

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Got it all welded up and the front brace is beefed up. This was a ridiculously weak piece on gT14's. It was thin and flimsy as they used a side mule pulley set up. I had to buy a piece of steel which is the first other than the rod for the pin and steering shafts. Otherwise I've tried to recycle from the parted out Horses.


The axle pin is retained with a tab and bolt. I did not need beefier steel here as it really takes no abuse but what the heck....might as well go all in. It is perpendicular to what it was when stock as I need the real estate between pin and frame for the bulkhead bearing. Part of the change over from original steering to gear reduction.


I may touch up some of the welds tomorrow as it was getting dark.



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Looks good Aldon. That is what I like to see with a build. Stripped to the frame and work up from there.:bow-blue:

Edited by JPWH
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12 minutes ago, JPWH said:

Looks good Aldon. That is what I like to see with a build. Stripped to the frame and work up from there.:bow-blue:

Thanks Jay. I new this one would require welding etc. so I went to the metal and coated it all with rust kutter from tractor supply. No rust after several months of sitting in garage waiting on me to get going on it. I'm gaining momentum now.

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That's allot of beef up front, Are you adding a bucket?

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30 minutes ago, GT14 said:

That's allot of beef up front, Are you adding a bucket?

Yes. That is the mid range plan.

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Tackled the 520 Gear reduction today. This thing is going to be really stout. Upgraded to a true bulkhead bearing for support of fan gear shaft that goes to front of tractor. 


The excessive length of TH of steering wheel is due to 520 was too short. So I cut the gear end off and had a machinest lathe the end of a long rod. I welded gear on and will cut to length when I decide how tall I want the steering wheel to sit.


I also ended up having to shorten the fan gear rod on the end that attached to front bulkhead by ~ 7/8 inch. Luckily this left enough space SK i did not have to remake this piece. Should have it on its own wheels tomorrow.



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As always, very nice work. Hoping to have a power steering box sitting in mine soon. Fingers crossed.

Edited by 19richie66
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I have so many questions to ask and I'm just holding my breath waiting to see what is next!

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It was slow going as I struggled to get the 520 tie rod ball joints loose on the tie rod. And I had incorrect seals for front wheels. While skf 12407 matches dimensionally with toro part number the rubber seal does not protrude similarly so I finally cleaned up and prepped the originals. They should last several more years. But time slips everywhere on a build. 


Pictoral update with wheels, tires and steering installed. 14" from surface to bottom edge of frame. It is level as well. In some pics it looks like it may not be but that is illusion.


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Looking good Aldon. Those big tires should handle anything you want it to.

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 Very nice. Looks killer with those wheels and tires. :thumbs:

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It is looking really nice. It is just mean looking. 

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Looks great so far Aldon. Keep up the great work. 

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