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Bigger drive pulley.. now it's slower?!?

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Finished the Honda swap on my 606 and finally got new tires on it! Went for a test drive and it's all revs and no speed! The Honda pulley is a little bigger than the factory Tecumseh pulley so I thought it would be faster! What the heck is going on?! Belt isn't slipping because it'll spin the tires in every gear when I hooked it to my jeep 

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953 nut

If you had a bike as  a kid you know the front sprocket was bigger to gear it DOWN to the rear wheel so you could peddle it with ease; same deal here.

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So will it have more torque?

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Digger 66

I just re-read your post .

Smaller pulley on the crank ='s more torque & less engine effort .

Larger crank pulley ='s higher top speed & incerased effort to get there .

Sorry for my post-14 hour day confusion :wacko:





Edited by Digger 66
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Well that makes sense. I was thinking backwards then!

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Ed Kennell

I feel a big discussion coming.  Think I'll sit back and watch this one.      Belt speed / rev is the key.

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I'm with you Ed.I'm sitting reading these posts and I am scratching my head.Waiting to see the discussion.JAinVA

Edited by JAinVA
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Ed Kennell


The teams are forming.

Here's another clue.....Circumference =da pie

Edited by Ed Kennell
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I can see the collision coming and I for one want to avoid an argument on this subject.

Edited by JAinVA
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Ed Kennell

I gotta go to an ELKs meeting Jim.  Please get this resolved till I get back in 2 hours.    Good luck.  :rolleyes:

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21 minutes ago, JAinVA said:

I'm with you Ed.I'm sitting reading these posts and I am scratching my head.Waiting to see the discussion.JAinVA

Now I'm confused.. again haha :mellow:

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Since Ed went to an ELKS meeting I guess he wants me to resolve this.I will take a stab at it.If you look at his posts you will notice a comment on the teams forming.That might suggest opposing view points.

That should help with the confusion.I hope so.

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23 minutes ago, JAinVA said:

Since Ed went to an ELKS meeting I guess he wants me to resolve this.I will take a stab at it.If you look at his posts you will notice a comment on the teams forming.That might suggest opposing view points.

That should help with the confusion.I hope so.

So what's your view??

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    I will be happy to discuss this with you by PM.Let me know if you will welcome this.JAimVA

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A LARGER engine pulley will equal faster speed if the driven pulley remains the same but how much depends on the size.

How much larger is the new pulley?

Change the transmission pulley to a smaller diameter pulley too.

Play around with this calculator


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Think about your average multi-speed bike. Keep the rear sprocket the same. When chain is on the biggest sprocket in front it is way harder to peddle but man do you go at top speed...Now shift the front sprocket to the smaller one in front, keeping same sprocket in back. Way easier to peddle, but you sure don't go too fast...


But...I'm thinking Ed's post Elk's round-up may produce a superior and far more intellectually stimulating answer, and I am not waiting until 3.14 (pi day) for the answer...



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19 minutes ago, SylvanLakeWH said:

Think about your average multi-speed bike. Keep the rear sprocket the same. When chain is on the biggest sprocket in front it is way harder to peddle but man do you go at top speed...Now shift the front sprocket to the smaller one in front, keeping same sprocket in back. Way easier to peddle, but you sure don't go too fast...


But...I'm thinking Ed's post Elk's round-up may produce a superior and far more intellectually stimulating answer, and I am not waiting until 3.14 (pi day) for the answer...



Very good way to put it!!!

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Ed Kennell

I'll just throw out some food for thought.

    Why do we run our deck drive belts on the larger inside PTO pulley?

A. so the blades spin faster

B. so the blades spin slower

C. all of the above

D. none of the above

Edited by Ed Kennell
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   Glad you got back from the Elks Lodge.Wes and I have been PM ing and I think he is on the right track.He actually found something that may causing the problem.Hint groove width.I told him to enjoy the posts.


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Ed Kennell

I knew you would solve this mechanical phenomenon  Jim.   I was also going to ask Wes if the new tire dia was the same as the old ones and if the Techy and Honda were running at the exact same RPM when he made the speed trials.    But,  V groove width or belt width will certainly be a factor in determining effective pulley circumference.


Well, I didn't make out as well at the ELKs meeting.

But then, my problem was trying to convince 50 drinking smokers that they should pass a no smoking policy in the club during the Friday night dinner hours.  :wacko:

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    You would have no problem with me and my vices as I more than happy to take them outside.I  don't know if Wes's problem is solved but I think he may be on the right track.

I had commented to him that I don't think that the Honda revs as high as the Techys or something to that effect.JAinVA

Edited by JAinVA
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 Looks like I'll be able to solve my problem easier than you will be able to solve your Elks problem haha. If I had any advice I'd certainly pass it on to you!

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I upsized the engine pulley by 1" (2.5" up to 3.5") and my 606 Predator runs about 8 mph now.  I left the original rear pulley in place.  

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I did the same with my predator swapped 606!! Love it!!

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Ed Kennell

I'm guessing it ran about 5.5 MPH with the 2.5" pulley.

Edited by Ed Kennell
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