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Bubba KC jr

Wheel Horse Gt 14 Automatic

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Bubba KC jr

Bubba Jr .KC her in trying to figure out how to sepperate the pump from my transmission housing on a wheel horse GT 14 automatic any help would be appreciated.

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953 nut

This manual should give you a good start. Also @meadowfield posted an ouutstanding thread here a few years back on total rebuild of the GT-14 Sundstrand, do a search and enjoy.

Sunstrand Hydro (part 1).pdfFetching info...

Sunstrand Hydro (part 1).pdfFetching info...

Sunstrand Hydro (part 3).pdfFetching info...

Sunstrand Hydro (part 4).pdfFetching info...

Sunstrand Hydro (part 2).pdf

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There are 5 bolt locations....marked at "X" in this pic.  Thats what hold it to the gearbox.  

217 (38).JPG

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Bubba KC jr

Ok.I took out the 4 bolts on the aluminum pump side and it will not budge my wheel horse model number is 105028 serial # 907273.so I believe its a 1973.I will try to remove them.those bolts are not even in line with the pump.But I will most definitely take them out and try it.thanks very much.

Ok.I took out the 4 bolts on the aluminum pump side and it will not budge my wheel horse model number is 105028 serial # 907273.so I believe its a 1973.I will try to remove them.those bolts are not even in line with the pump.But I will most definitely take them out and try it.thanks very much.

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I may have misunderstood what you want to do.  There are 4 bolts holding the pump to the hydrogear.  Two of them are circled here.

When those 4 bvolts are out, the pump should slide away from the hydrogear.  HOWEVER....  be careful not to damage the Nylon Cam and concentric that is part of the motion control lever system.  


1276 OR 1277.jpg

11 (9).jpg

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Bubba KC jr

I have those 4 bolts out and it will not budge.I don't want to damage it.I tried to down load pics but it says they are to big.you do not have to take pulley off surely do you.any ideas are greatly appreciated.thanks.

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Absolutely, take the pulley off.  If not now, you will have to take it of to work on the pump anyway.  

There is a gasket between the pump and Hydrogear...it is likely stuck tight.  Use a sharp-edge wedge (putty knife) to attempt to split them apart at the gasket. Once started, wiggle a larger flat-point screwdriver and pry it open...GENTLY, from side to side.  CAUTION....you should remove the cam acutator pin at the motion control linkage that ties into the NYLON cam of the pump.  Look at this schematic...the cirlcled items.


REMOVE THE CAM PLATE PIN ACTUATOR # 54 .  I fyou dont. the nylon cam plate will get broken. 

90-2046 LEVERa.jpg

HYDRO GR a.jpg

Edited by daveoman1966

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Not to confuse you (anymore), but here is the GT-14 schematic.  The CAM PLATE pin is exactly the same thing as shown above although the motion control lever is longer, it works exactly the same. 



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Bubba KC jr

I Have the pump assembly taken off and split from the tractor.i just can't seem to separate the pump from the cast iron section. I removed the 4 bolts but I can't get it to separate from the cast iron section.i was afraid there was something else holding it.so do I have to take the motion actuator pin assembly out first & pulleys off first.thanks

I Have the pump assembly taken off and split from the tractor.i just can't seem to separate the pump from the cast iron section. I removed the 4 bolts but I can't get it to separate from the cast iron section.i was afraid there was something else holding it.so do I have to take the motion actuator pin assembly out first & pulleys off first.thanks

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