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Honestly.. should I split this case?

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Are these pics on a PC or a smartphone?


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4 minutes ago, ztnoo said:

Are these pics on a PC or a smartphone?


Taken on an iPhone uploaded to Dropbox and then posted into the forums here. 

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Can you download them to a PC or laptop from the phone and save them to file?

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I'm not familiar with drop box.  Does it have choices besides URL??  Photobucket has "IMG" code which allows the pictures to show up.


Another way around this...once you post the URLs and save the post...go into the post and open all the pictures (they will show up as tabs across the top of your browser).  Open your tabs, one at a time...right click the picture and copy image.  Open your post again by clicking the "edit" button...paste your picture in the appropriate spot and then delete the URL...save the post.  :bow-blue:  That is what Paul and I did to paste your pictures in our posts.  :)

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On 12/24/2016 at 2:32 PM, stevasaurus said:


The gasket material is Karo-Pak at Auto Zone  $5 or $6...it is 1/32" thick and come 1' by 3'...plenty to make 2 or 3 until you get it right.  :)


You know me. I would need to buy 3 sheets to make one gasket! :) :blink:

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953 nut

If you roll out the gasket material on the bench and wipe a light coating of oil on the transmission case half then place it on the material it will leave a print on the material. Now you can use scissors to cut it out and a punch for the bolt holes. 

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4 hours ago, AMC RULES said:

...or, just become a :rs:supporter, and then...

just upload your picts straight from your pict file into your posts here. 


True! & True: Craig (AMC RULES) is the man! 

Edited by JimmyJam

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One thing about this smartphone picture taking business that most people have no clue about......

These phones take GREAT pics, but the default resolution/pixel size is ABSOLUTELY humongous.

The images eat up loads of bandwidth when sent, not to mention hard drive, memory, and data capacity.

You wouldn't realize this unless someone emails you a smartphone pic and you view it on a PC or laptop, then you realize how gargantuan the image really is........you have to scroll up and down and sideways almost until hell freezes over to see these pics.

That could conceivably explain why they aren't accepted here at RS..........especially I you don't have supporter status.

If you can change the resolution the phone takes pics in to a smaller size, you may have more success.

Your first pic posted is a hefty 2048 x 1536 or 429.1 KB.

If you multiply that by 10 pics of similar size in a single post you are looking at 5MB of data.

That's getting pretty weighty, so to speak.

Edited by ztnoo
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Thanks for the ideas on the images. I know it's a PITA sometimes, but I've got all that Dropbox space for nothing.. I know the Supporter thing is probably the easiest solution, but times are tight, which is why I'm trying to FIX these old tractors myself instead of having someone else do it for me. And in regards to the photo sizes being out of control and taking up all the bandwidth and that's what's making a pay to support site here, isn't that sorta the idea behind a service like Dropbox, to hold the files to keep the server storage costs down? But it's not allowed here? 


Anyway, just wanted to update ya that the polishing of the plates trick worked pretty good and everything is shiny now. 


Went from this:


https://www.dropbox.com/s/i1vy36xm18wm0rw/Plate before polish.jpg?raw=1


to this:


https://www.dropbox.com/s/f09wrzzhexid33c/Plate after polish.jpg?raw=1



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looking good


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This Sundstrand unit contains two similar BRASS valve plates and both should look like the one you've worked on.  There are also 2 piston cylinder blocks each with 9 piston/slippers that will also need refinished...as well as the base of the cylinder blocks.  Not to lecture, but if you don't reface ALL of the mating surfaces of moving parts in BOTH the pump and motor assemblies, you can expect less than optimum performance. Here are a few pics... just offered to help you along.  

BTW... there is (or was) an Ebay seller offering the complete gasket kit for this rebuild....$20 bux or so.

Pic of a new OEM filter is here too.  Lastly, you MAY want to change out the PUMP SEALS....they've been there for 40 years or so.




1 (26)a.jpg

1 (40).JPG

1 (267).JPG

1 (111).JPG

1 (258).JPG


PM32 001.jpg


FILTER 79-5270.jpg

11 001.jpg

Edited by daveoman1966
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Believe it or not, I'm not trying to be purposely argumentative, I'm simply trying to make suggestions which not only make it easier for you to directly post pics to a thread, but also infinitely easier for anyone here viewing this fascinating and interesting thread to absorb and comprehend this extremely important information offered by all, and at the same time help you solve your problems with this tranny.


IMO, there are always other photo options. You don't have to be locked into Dropbox for life. I have used Photobucket free for years, and it suits my needs very well. I'm sure Flickr and other photo storage sites offer possibilities and solutions as well.

You might have to change photo services to deal with pics for posting directly into threads here at RS, rather than just giving us links to somewhere else.

Also, can you directly post pics from your phone to RS??? Tried that?  Again, I think the resolution needs to be decreased significantly and made smaller for success and ease of use here at the site. Maybe after posting your relevant pics, you could then store the pics at Dropbox for a permanent filing.


I'm going to use your first posted link to demonstrate what could be a part of the problem.

When I open it in Dropbox, it displays at 30%........that's 30% of its actual, real world size in pixels. So, what we wind up with being displayed is 800px × 600px (scaled to 991px × 743px) = 94.32 KB.
That's a reasonable size to deal with here in a RS thread IF that was what is really was. But it's not really that size, its just being displayed at Dropbox at that size. It hasn't been saved to file at that resolution, so it remains at its original size as taken.

If I bump the image size up to as close to 100% as I can (the actual size of the original image), the closest I can get is 93% in Dropbox's software.
When I examine what that image equals is in dimensional size at 93% by right clicking on "View image info" out of the drop down menu, it reveals the image size top be 971.89 KB and pixel size is 3,264px × 2,448px (scaled to 3,025px × 2,268px [93%] ). A monster size of almost 1MB. A saved this 93% image to file and attached it below to the post.


Here is what that gargantuan image looks like in real terms @ 93%. Its actually displays physically larger when viewed in Paint or entered into an email composition. Apparently it has been automatically resized here.



The whole point and focus of the pictures here at RS is to explain and highlight problems we all have from time to time with our tractors and implements. Good detail, high quality pics go a long way to clearly visually demonstrating parts and assembly/disassembly procedures. You have to look no further than Daveoman's primo quality pics and the descriptive name tags and arrows he uses as superb teaching tools in this thread to educate us less experienced wrenchers here at RS. I think we should entitle him Dr. Dave for his breath of knowledge and his excellent documentation. Dave's posts are lectures/seminars in quality and clearly defined procedural structure when repairing/replacing/rehabbing sensitive assemblies such as these hydros.


This is what can be achieved when posting pics directly. I know diddle/less than squat about smartphones. Don't own one, nor do I desire to have one. I use a simple flip top cell for vocal communication, because that is all I really need it for. Basically the smartphone scrolling thing drives me bonkers, so I am resigned to using my PC desktop which I have used for years and am the most comfortable with. Using a PC allows a much greater range of options when dealing with all topics and problems, such as posting, editing, and tagging things within pictures via photo editing software. I'm sure there has to be a way around the glitch or problem you are having posting pics directly to a thread, but I'm not the guy to steer you around that technical phone obstacle and offer a real world solution.


Hopefully an Admin, Mod, or other techie type can jump in here and afford you some real world image solutions, which will simplify things for everyone.
I think it starts with decreasing the size of the resolution your phone is taking pics in, either by changing phone settings if you can, or using image editing software to get your great pics reduced to a manageable size.
Becoming a Supporter would also give you additional headroom and bandwidth for posting pics. It's well worth the investment IMO.


Thanks for your listening ear.
Keep up the good work!



Edited by ztnoo
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The image did resize automatically here at RS.

A right click on the image as displayed here at RS to "View image info" reveals is was resized to 1,000px × 750px at 111.59 KB.

This sizing is fine and works AOK here.......just need to figure out a way to get your pics downsized from your phone.

But the original size is a problem and likely your main gremlin in posting pics.


Edited by ztnoo

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Much, much better! Still not small in pixel size, but very viewable and manageable, IMO.

The image displayed is 1,024px × 768px at 158.27 KB.

I think maybe you have found a better solution.

Great detail and clarity. Excellent!!!


Can you upload directly from your phone? Or is the original image too large to work here?

Are you editing the size at Flickr?

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I don't know how to edit the file size? I'm not that fancy with this. I realized that Flickr is a photo sharing site that will allow posting pics directly in here and that I already have  The Flickr account, so I downloaded the app and uploaded some photos to it, then added them into an album titled "red square"   Did the same thing there that I do with dropbox, just copying the URL link and it pasted it right in just fine. I think that's so weird how dropbox doesn't allow something so basic like that, but everyone else does?  Since I use my phone to take the photos, I do everything... well, almost everything, from my phone.  So the answer is, I uploaded it from my phone, but on my phone, the photo shows huge full screen and the words are very small, and I can't see any of these text unless I zoom in on them. 

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Does your phone tell you or define for you the resolution it is taking pictures in?

It's probably something like 3200 x 2400.............a 4 x 3 ratio........like you get with at 800 x 600 or a 1200 x 900 picture.

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FYI...  The pic I posted of the Side-by-side Hyd Pump Valve Plates  is 212kb in total size.  The dim of the pic is 1024 x 768 at normal resolution taken by my little Canon A-85 digital camera...probably 12 years old.  I simply take a pic (sometimes dozens) and upload via card to a folder on my PC (Win 7).  Minor editing is done by 'Paint" or "Microsoft Office 2010", depending on my mood or whim.  

This pic is:  45.6kb    531x373 pixels norm resolution    

1137- 039.jpg

Edited by daveoman1966

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On 12/24/2016 at 1:51 PM, Ed Kennell said:

Gaskets are easy to make.  Buy the correct thickness vellumoid sheet material.    Glue to case with spray contact cement, and trim with an x-acto.


You're right. Gaskets makon' ain't bad after all! Not sure why I was so worried about that aspect... 


Making gaskets. Not too bad!


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I have dropbox too and it has always driven me nuts that i cannot post to forums from it. You are right in that it seems like a basic necessity. One of the downfalls with dropbox I suppose.


Great progress though, I love seeing cases cracked open. :handgestures-thumbupright:

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14 hours ago, mikeeyre74 said:


You're right. Gaskets makon' ain't bad after all! Not sure why I was so worried about that aspect... 


Making gaskets. Not too bad!




So easy even girls can do it :P


Many years ago I commanded a medical company.  Women could not be assigned to divisional units back then and as i was a non divisional unit 25-33% of my unit were females.  We had a lot of vehicles to maintain and the ladies weren't really into turning wrenches but sit them down with a ball peened hammer, a manila folder. and scalpel and they turned out great gaskets.

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Ed Kennell
36 minutes ago, pfrederi said:



So easy even girls can do it :P         :no::angry-nono:        Paul, you are living dangerously




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Had to fix the smashed up strainer while I'm waiting for my axles to get machined.. 



Fixing the strainer for a hydro transmission..


Fixing the strainer for a hydro transmission..


Fixing the strainer for a hydro transmission..


I'll clean it up with the Dremel when it's all dried up and it should be good to go. I got this trick from you fellows by reading how others have repaired this seemingly weak spot in the transmission.. 



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