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Who let the Deep Freeze Door Open!

81 degrees in Central Texas this afternoon. 

36 now and the "Drama Queen" weather lady says 26 by morning.

Ya'll fellas can have this cold stuff.


so how cold are you?




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78 in Houston as of 11 pm. 


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I stop paying attention when you have to type the minus sign.....

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My AC is actually running right now. Looks like a typical Texas weekend in which we can experience multiple seasons in one weekend. 


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I am not cold at all. Hot water baseboard heat is the way to go.

We had some rain to wash the salt off the roads, and it looks like it will be in the mid 20's most of today.  So, time for a motorcycle ride to the bike open house 8 miles up the road.

I can ride for an hour in the thirties, a half hour in the twenties, and 10 minutes in the low teens and after that it is not really very fun. If I had heated gloves, single digits and sunny days with no wind would be no challenge at all. I have an old school Vetter fairing and tall windscreen and that makes a world of difference. Maybe i am nuts, but breathing in cold air makes me feel stronger.


 It is really about the clothing you wear. Carhartt zero zone are the clothes to have....I really am a wuss in the heat and humidity, so I guess it takes all kinds of people to make the world go around

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18 degrees and a thin sheet of ice from drizzle last night on top of 4" snow...Gotta love Michigan!!!



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86 today. The cold returns late next week with a high of only 70. :hide:


Still, I'm looking forward to getting back home to Indiana. :banana-skier:

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Terry M

The reading inside my truck at 5AM was -20...a little warmer than what was predicted..:)

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-17 F on Friday morning.

25 F and freezing rain currently. Slow drive to work this morning on black icy roads. Truck in 4x4 at 12 MPH but made it safely.



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We went to my BIL's last evening (about 4:00PM) on the way my truck said it was 73 degrees, when we left to come home (about 9:00PM) it was 37 degrees. Currently 26 degrees here in central Arkansas.

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We went from 4 here Friday morning to 56 yesterday afternoon. 37 here now and back into the teens tonight.

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Going to be -13 here by tonight.

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Ed Kennell

+ 17F and an inch of ice yesterday.

+ 52F at 6AM this morning with green grass...:confusion-confused:

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I blew snow yesterday. Today its 45 degs and raining snows gone.        Wayne


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We got an inch of ice around 20 years ago.


Knocked out miles of hydro poles and even toppled the big high voltage towers.


I was lucky and had power after only 2 weeks, others were out for a month or more.


I lost a lot of my trees, my TV antenna bent.


I spent the night in the basement fearing that a tree or two would fall on the house. A large hunk of a Maple tree in the back yard broke off and the branches did hit the house making a lot of noise. House was not damaged however.


Two days after the storm it went above freezing and I was able to get my cars out of the garage due to such a thick layer of ice on the garage doors that they would not open.


Next door neighbor came over with his old Case backhoe and pushed the branches out of the driveway because they were too heavy with ice to lift.


I hope to never see that much ice ever again.



Edited by cleat
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-2 here in Oklahoma this morning...with a wind chill of -15...that's too cold for us lol

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IT'S TO D:soapbox:   COLD !!!

And it doesn't look like it's going to get above the 20s for awhile :angry-screaming: ... looks like we'll have a white Christmas though :text-woo:

Edited by ACman
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5 minutes ago, ACman said:

IT'S TO D:soapbox:   COLD !!!

And it doesn't look like it's going to get above the teens for awhile :angry-screaming: ... looks like we'll have a white Christmas though :text-woo:

Doesn't look like our Christmas is gonna be white...they are saying temps back in the 50s for next weekend, it was almost 70 here Friday, and then dropped to single digits for yesterday, talk about a total shock when you walk out the door lol

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Actually got to 24 here this morning.

To cold for this old Texas boy!

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Currently 60° in central Maryland. All the ice and snow that was on the ground yesterday is completely gone.

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You MN turkeys are sending it my way....:rant2:....-11 here now and dropping fast...wind chill of -30

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1 hour ago, wheelhorseman1000 said:


I'm glad I don't live any further north than I do.  It's up to 9 now here.

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11 hours ago, oliver2-44 said:

Who let the Deep Freeze Door Open!

81 degrees in Central Texas this afternoon. 

36 now and the "Drama Queen" weather lady says 26 by morning.






Oh my, that is cold.......................NOT!

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