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1975 c120 hydro which is jerky.  to check the two acceleration valves I suppose you have to drain the hydro.  also the nylon cam plate  is a little sloppy in the slot it rides in. I am using a

5/8 x 84 V belt which I am not shore is correct. I also wonder if the spring on the belt tension / brake pulley could be week. any help is appreciated.

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953 nut

:WRS:  No need to drain the trans. to check the acceleration springs, there will be a slight bit of fluid in the valve area, but not much.

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Just a suggestion: When you post, title your post and tie it directly to your specific inquiry.

I see you have posted two threads with the same title ("valleyboy"), which essentially is meaningless to someone looking at a post title before actually opening it.

Don't simply keep putting your screen name in the post title.

It will help those with lots of expertise here in different areas to help you more readily.

For instance this thread could have been titled "Suggestions To Service a C120 Hydro?".

Which area of the forum you chose to pigeonhole your post in will also affect the level of responses to your question.

As an example, you shouldn't ask a question about hydro trannies in a sub forum like Implements.

Just some things to think about which will yield you more info to address your concerns.


Glad you came aboard. You'll be amazed at the info you will find and have access to here at RS.




Edited by ztnoo
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JC 1965


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