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876 help please

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first, thanks everyone for the replies on the starter amps thread.



now ,the 876 i recently got has been radically neglected ,patched,modified, etc. so i would like to know on the 876 owners manual wiring diagram i have, what gauge each wire is on the diagram since most of mine were missing.



also, what and where  is the most reasonable replacement ignition switch for the battery, coil ignition on this tractor?



thanks in advance.




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I would use 6ga wire for the starter circuit (8 might suffice but i like to err on the safer side)..  For everything else I use 14ga  Overkill for some circuits but keeps it simple stocking colored wire.  The ignition switch isn't cheap.  You might want to consider using a more modern (and cheaper) switch and use a solenoid to activate the starter.

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953 nut

This drawing is a basic wiring diagram incorporating a solenoid. The lower the number the bigger the wire and as Paul @pfrederi said, bigger is better within reason. This does not include the charging wiring, refer to your manual.

Basic points ignition with solenoid.jpg


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I have seen that diagram before but wonder why 12 ga to the coil.  If you look at an amp meter with the engine not running and the switch in run (if the points are closed ) you see about 3-4 amp draw max.  Do not need 12 ga for that also I don't ever recall seeing original 12 ga on any K series i looked at..... Also why 12 ga there if the feed to the switch (which feed the coil) is only 16ga.

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Welcome fellow Arky to Red Square. While I can't address wire gauge going to the different points in the system, I can help with a correct original replacement ignition switch, and if you want to venture to western Saline county with your Horse I will be glad to assist in any way possible. David 

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