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414-8 transaxle issue

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Hello folks,


I have been lurking on here off and on for a while now and just created an account to join the fun. I was given a sad 414-8 about 2 years ago and got if back in running condition. New front tires, new fuel line, reinstalled brake drum that had come on in his yard and he didn't know where it went. It has been working quite nicely for me until recently. I noticed the shift lever had been getting progressively sloppy and today I was only able to get it out of the shed and she was done. Not able to put it in any gear so I pushed it into the garage. I have found the problem on here but have a question on it. Instead of it pulling out of the hole mine dropped into the gearbox. I was able to recover it after some gentle wiggling but the pivot bushing that the dog-head set screw engages is not fixed to the shaft. It looks like there is supposed to be a roll pin in it but most of that seems to be non-existent anymore. The sole piece that was left fell out on the bench.


Btw, my id number on it is: 3114K804  35673   in case it matters.


Question: is this supposed to be held in with a roll pin? If so how long was it and how much of it do you suppose I need to fish out of the gearbox with a magnet?




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The original 933168 roll pin for the shifter donut is 5/32" x 13/16".

Replaced by 32121-114 spirol pin which is stronger than a roll pin.


The pin is short because it shares the hole with the dog-point setscrew. Drive it in from the rear of the shifter until it is just slightly below the surface of the donut.



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857 horse

Smitty welcome to Red Square   AKA...RS.

This is the place to find info...parts tech advise....:banana-rainbow:


Howard 857 Horse in VA

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   :text-yeahthat:     :WRS:

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I doubt you will be able to fish any of that roll pin out with a magnet, and I doubt there is enough of it in there to really worry about.  A better question is...What does the oil look like?  If there is any of that roll pin left inside the case, you might get lucky by draining the oil and flushing with diesel fuel (once or twice).  If you are really worried about it, the only right way to do it is to open up the transmission.


BTW Scott...WELCOME TO RED SQUARE  :handgestures-thumbupright:

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Hi Scott, and welcome!  What part of Virginia are you from?


I had a similar problem on my 310-8 several years ago, and started a thread on it.  I'm happy to report that my transmission is still working nicely after all this time.


Here's the thread, but be aware that it was originally created on an earlier version of the RedSquare software, and a good bit of my original post (and maybe other pieces as well) disappeared in one of the conversions that took place after that.  But I think you'll get the picture:



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8 hours ago, tunahead72 said:

Hi Scott, and welcome!  What part of Virginia are you from?


I had a similar problem on my 310-8 several years ago, and started a thread on it.  I'm happy to report that my transmission is still working nicely after all this time.


Here's the thread, but be aware that it was originally created on an earlier version of the RedSquare software, and a good bit of my original post (and maybe other pieces as well) disappeared in one of the conversions that took place after that.  But I think you'll get the picture:




I am in northern VA about a hour west of DC. Thanks for the link....lots of detail in those images. It is exactly the same problem I have in mine. Now to go get a roll pin and fix it and a couple hours to put it all back together. Before I posted this question and was figuring that I would have to break the case open I had unbolted it from the chassis. I don't have an engine hoist or overhead crane.... did I mention that transaxle is really heavy to get up on a bench? :-) 




9 hours ago, stevasaurus said:

I doubt you will be able to fish any of that roll pin out with a magnet, and I doubt there is enough of it in there to really worry about.  A better question is...What does the oil look like?  If there is any of that roll pin left inside the case, you might get lucky by draining the oil and flushing with diesel fuel (once or twice).  If you are really worried about it, the only right way to do it is to open up the transmission.


BTW Scott...WELCOME TO RED SQUARE  :handgestures-thumbupright:


Oh yeah, regarding the oil.... lets just say it was due to be changed. ;-)  I will probably flush it with some diesel since I have some of that kicking around handy.

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I know how heavy it is...what does the oil look like?  :think:  If you need any help, we can walk you through opening and closing up that trans.  If you can, take some pictures as you go...if you do run into something those pictures will help a lot.  :handgestures-thumbupright:

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Well, I picked up a roll pin and got everything back together this morning. The oil was pretty bad anyway so that had to go. I was able to mow the lawn and gearbox is working well. Thanks to all of you for the help.



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John Barton

Have a model 8 4 speed cannot get first and second gears,will work in third and reverse

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1 hour ago, John Barton said:

Have a model 8 4 speed cannot get first and second gears,will work in third and reverse

:WRS: Our more knowledgeable members will probably catch your post added to this thread and diagnose the problem and recommended fixes. But I recommend you start one of your own when looking for information it helps you find it later from your profile when wanting to go back and reread info. 

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John Barton
14 hours ago, Walt said:

:WRS: Our more knowledgeable members will probably catch your post added to this thread and diagnose the problem and recommended fixes. But I recommend you start one of your own when looking for information it helps you find it later from your profile when wanting to go back and reread info. 


Thanks Walt ,how do that

I'm new to this may need some help 

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John, In the transmission section...this section...when you open it up there is a box that says "start new topic".  Click on that and type your question.  Let us know what horse you have and if can...add some pictures of the trans.  Yes, start a new topic.  It is almost impossible to have the symptoms you are having.  Need some more information.  thanks  :)  I am looking forward to solving this one. 

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:text-yeahthat:  It's a red box upper right of the first page of each of the form sections.

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21 hours ago, John Barton said:

Have a model 8 4 speed cannot get first and second gears,will work in third and reverse

A sheared spirol pin that secures the donut to the shifter can cause this problem. The shifter turns instead of sliding the shift rails.

Go up to the top of this thread as that was the problem here.




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Where do I ask a question ?

My 414-8 was blowing snow like mad. Then it started to delay engaging into gear. I would push in the clutch, shift let the clutch out & it took a few seconds to drive. I parked it when I was done, now I tried to run it & it won't move ...  ? I haven't had time to really look into it. Any help would be appreciated. ( Belt ? hoping simple ) 

Fingers crossed or I'm working on it in the snow 8)

Thank you .


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953 nut
1 hour ago, bploof said:

I would push in the clutch, shift let the clutch out & it took a few seconds to drive. I parked it when I was done, now I tried to run it & it won't move

:WRS:      Could be a belt or the key on the transmission input pulley or either axle hub.

1 hour ago, bploof said:

ask a question ?

To start a new thread go to the top right of the Home Page and click on "Create". You will see a drop down box, click on "Topic" then scroll down to Transmissions, click on it. Give your post a title that will let folks know the problem then tell your story and don't forget;   :wwp:

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