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Mower Deck Belt

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Need some help identifying the model # on my mower deck.  I have a 1987 308-8 model #17213.  I replaced the original rear discharge with a side discharge deck after the original rusted out.  I need a new belt and the power equipment places I've been to need the deck model # to order the belt, which seems strange.  I thought they could just match the old belt...guess not.  Any help out there? 



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Tell them that you have a 37" side discharge WH deck. With a little work on their part they will be able to get you the correct belt. 


The dealer is correct in that the deck Id is needed. On WH tractor mower combinations the deck will determine the belt size. 

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Check every pulley the drive belt runs in. If they all have a V-groove it is the early deck that uses a 6-sided belt

The later deck that uses a standard 4-sided belt and some flat idler pulleys that run on the back side of the belt.


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