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D200 Sundstrand and tranny slips uphill

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Question about D200 with Sundstrand transmission. The hydraulics for the 3pt hitch work fine. The tranny slips when it gets warm going up a slight grade. I have changed filter & oil, didn't make much difference. Any ideas what to do next? I have already looked at the manual to no avail.

Edited by C101

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I have rebuilt many of these Sundstrand units and USUALLY recommend a rebuild of BOTH the Hyd Pump and Hyd Motor sections.  However, inasmuch as you declare the hyd lift works ok, you MAY be able to rebuild just the HYD MOTOR.  It is attached to the trans gearbox and is far less labor intensive to repair than the Hyd Pump.  It is very likely that the internal brass components of this Hyd Motor are scored / scratched/ gouged and need resurfaced leading to less power as the unit warms up.  Let it be known that the internal components of the Hyd Pump are nearly identical to the Hyd Motor and, if compromised in one, the other is also bad.  Ultimately the only sure-cure is to rebuild BOTH the Pump and the Motor. 

Here is the motor schematic.  The red-circle parts are the brass components that take abuse and need resurfaced.  I've also included a pic of these parts...       

d 200 motor.jpg

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1 (43).JPG

1 (44).JPG

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Thank you much for the information Daveoman1966. 

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Also check your hubs and keys. I dont know about the D's but i assume they have keyways like all the other horses. 


If you sheared a key you may move just fine but it will start to slip with force. Run it up to a tree and have someone watch the axles in the hubs when you drive it forward. 

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