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starting issues C175

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Recently purchased and restored (sheet metal,deck etc) a c175 hydro. I was not able to get any power to the starter so I tried charger on battery,nothing, then i changed the ignition key switch,nothing, theni changed the selinoid.nothing. i was able to jump the selinoid and it turned the starter. wheni was taking it apart, then seat switch was removed and the wires were wired tied together. the pto switch wasw not good so i removed it to check it and it fell apart. i plan on buying a new one or finding a used one (anyone have one?). would that switch being bad not allow power to the starter? let me know what else i should he checking. thanks-

ps at least it looks sweet !!

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would that switch being bad not allow power to the starter?


The PTO switch is P/N 106268 and is still available for around $10 from Toro.

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