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the start of the 701

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Hey fellas here it is my big project I just brought her in to my work shop finally it's small but better than working in a New England winter I already half a##ed the hood to keep it from further rusting a while ago stripped it to bare metal and used duplicolor high temp red it will be fully redone but I have a few kinks to work out before the tear down like the proper way to paint I want to use a gun but don't have the experience to trust my self I really want it to come out the best possibly can I have a gun that was given to me that I was told In it's day was top notch any pointers or suggestions pluse there are some things that need the hand of a master welder witch you guessed it I not either the bottom of the hood for example some time in the past it was broken and fixed I'm not sure what it is supposed to look like and the side of it needs to be fixed thanks to someone in its past hacking at it pulse the belt guard is boned to I'm not sure if its cause there used to be a mounting bracket there or not but needs to fixed before paint none the less and did the 701 have a parking brake because I got a lever and side panel of ebay but as you'll see there's no slot for it on the side panel above the brake and the steering is very loose to I'm working on getting a video up on youtube of the tractor but and the problems but for now here are some pics hope anyone that reads this can leave some tips or pics of there's to help out thanks again fellas I'll keep update's coming

here she is in the work shop it's still a bit messy in the backround here


I still can't believe I found one of these belt covers



the seat and it's replacement until or if I find a good square one


The home made dash that is going to be replaced with ethier one of GlenJeri's great reproductions or this dash I got in a package deal off ebay



Parking brake should I or should I not it would be nice to have




Were does this go it was behind the seat spring and there is two holes for it to bolt to is it were it belongs?



now for the hood the side that someone hacked


and the bottom this can't be how it should look





last the belt guard was or should there be a mounting bracket here?



please :hide::D:hide::omg::omg: anyone

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Nice looking project!

I'm no expert, but I don't think the 701 is supposed to have a cover over the brake/ clutch rod area... I think it is supposed to be open, like it is in the first pic.

That piece with the 2 holes goes behind the seat spring (where you guessed it went)... I think all of mine are broken loose...

Is the pan seat savable? It's hard to tell with all the crud on it. I think I would try cleaning it up and welding (or brazing) up all the cracks... Probably would take awhile, but these seats are getting HARD to find.

Keep up the good work! And, :hide:

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I've never had a 701 so cant help you with the particulars, but here's some answers.

Heres a picture of the bracket that bolts to the tool-box welded back onto the hoodstand of my 502. Its very common for this bracket to break off.


TD (Vinylguy) has the decal for your dashboard.

Its also real common for the bottom of the hood to be messed up and/or cracked. I dont have a picture of mine with the right angle bracket welded back on, but here's the one off my ranger with the bottom piece repaired. You need to repair the bottom, then fit the hood up to find exactly where the right angle bracket needs to be located.


Your belt guard is butchered, but its all flat stuff so it shouldnt be too hard to weld in a couple of patch pieces.

Cant help you with the handbrake pieces - I dont think the 701's ever had a handbrake or a left hand side cover, so you would have to adapt something if you really want one. Note the slot for the lever is in the hoodstand, not in the cover. Myself, I would leave the tractor origional.

As for your sloppy steering - check all the steering joints, its probably in the tierods, but you may find some of the roll pins in the steering shafts are loose.

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Nice find with the 701, the orange color reminds me of mine when I first got it.

The 701 didnt have any parking breaks, and the dash was mad from a plastic.

The lose steering could be a number of things, the proble I had with mine was that the teeth on the gear on the end of the steering rod was worn down.

That part I have no Idea.

The hood tab on front should go behind the farmework and that hole should be tapped for the thumb screw.

Now that belt guard, there should be only one hole on the side.

But thats me telling you, others may be differ. I do have some pics

Good Luck with you project and Have FUN

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These pictures might help too:



Bob Taylor, another member here at RedSquare has one of the best original 701's that I have ever seen.

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Thanks TT I'll have to see If bob can share some pic's of his but I have good news I forgot my uncle is a retired welder of 40 years I saw him over the holidays and he said He would love to help me so hope fully this next week end I can get the hood and belt cover over to him

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